Manifestation Rules: Why Taking Inspired Action Gets Best Results

Happy Wednesday! How is your manifestation going?

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been feeling a bit exhausted in the past two days. I think there’s some kind of astrological energy shift.

Because Saudi Diva is all about honest, inspiring and real life stories, I believe that I have to share with you everything: the good and the bad. Light and dark. The positive and the negative. The ups and the downs. Because that’s what life is all about after all.

I’ll be dedicating a separate post to share with you some of my daily challenges while living in Bali.

But I’ll just mention a few things that happened today.

First, I’ve had this skin redness and irritation in my underarms for the past few days (I know, it’s kind of personal but I want to be authentic). I’m not sure if it’s because of the shower gel or the water. But I plan to change my shower gel brand soon. I actually never experienced anything like this in my previous Bali trips and I’ve been here five times already. This is my sixth trip.

I went for a waxing appointment and the lady was very rough with my underarms skin. So I definitely won’t be going back to that salon. After checking another two salons in the same place where I was heading to write this blog post and finding out that they don’t do waxing, I did a google search and read a review about a place which has a ‘super gentle’ therapist and is supposedly the best place for waxing in Canggu. I already know that salon but I’ll be going there for waxing now.

After my waxing appointment, I went to this Italian vegan restaurant which I read very positive reviews about.

My entire experience there was bad that I ended up writing a negative TripAdvisor review. And these days, I rarely write negative reviews because I don’t believe they are worth my time. But that’s how bad my experience was, it had to do with the service mostly.

My breakfast was also average but I managed to have good coffee and get a few things done at the breakfast spot.

So after these strange experiences, I sit at a really nice and quiet place (I’m the only person sat here). I’m having a refreshing iced tea, with slightly sensitized armpits and a strange feeling.

Embrace all of your Emotions

While growing up – in order to survive my toxic childhood (toxic is just a mild way to put it!) – I developed a mechanism of having to be positive all the time. I would avoid all of my negative emotions and reject them with all my power.

I truly believe that the reason that I’m having all sorts of weird experiences these days is for me to connect to my emotions and feel them all. The good, the bad and the ugly.

Like instead of just leaving the waxing room, I actually looked at my underarms and said to the therapist that they are red and irritated. The idea here is not to play victim or get an answer from her, it’s more to voice out how I feel and not dismiss any kind of emotion.

I also took time to write that negative TripAdvisor review because I felt like it. My experience at that vegan Italian restaurant was valid. And despite all the other positive reviews on there, mine was different. Basically, it felt good to speak my truth.

Taking Inspired Action Versus Striving Action

So after that raw introduction and update on my Canggu life, let me talk about today’s manifestation topic.

When you are conditioned to live out of your mind, your reality becomes a reflection of that.

This means that you will meet other people who are also mind-identified and in their heads for the most part.

I actually met someone so randomly yesterday who was pretty much mind-identified. I kept trying to understand why he appeared in my reality. Then it hit me, the Universe sent him to show me how much I’ve evolved in my spiritual journey and growth.

Since I’ve done a good amount of deep inner work, my soul has gone up to a new level. This elevated way of being is wonderful. I feel connected to my heart and soul, instead of my mind. I follow my intuition and gut feeling instead of my rational mind.

In the past, I would come across restaurants or cafes on Instagram and follow them if they seemed cool. Then, when I would visit Bali, I would make a conscious effort to check them out.

Because this way of being is completely mind-identified, I would get disappointed many times. The places would turn out to be really small or not good at all. I was doing this for years! Basically since my first trip to Bali in 2016.

This time, I do things in a new, inspired way.

Sometimes, I just walk down a road and then decide where to sit. Like last night, after a long, afternoon/sunset beach walk, I walked down the road exploring where to sit and I ended up at a cool tapas bar.

Taking inspired action is easy, effortless and it flows. You follow your intuition and inner guidance. It’s a powerful manifestation tool. You can never go wrong, because you’re acting in alignment with the Universal flow of life.

Striving action is always hard. Like you could spend hours researching places (something that I still do sometimes) and when you eventually go to the ‘best’ chosen place, you might get hugely disappointed.

Manifestation & Synchronicity Stories

Let me share with you some of my latest manifestation and synchronicity stories. I’ve been going to different cafes to eat, have coffee or write and wherever I go, I keep encountering couples.

I keep sitting next to couples who are either planning their day or just working on their laptops. It’s been magical in the sense that I’m constantly surrounded by the energy of union and couples.

All of this is happening by pure divine coincidence and I’m not intentionally choosing to sit next to couple who are discussing their plans for the day!

Just now, right outside of the cafe where I’m sat alone (perfect setting to write), a couple were standing close to each other. The man was groping the lady’s breast and bum before they exchanged a kiss and walked away.

I’m not making any of this up! This is pure manifestation. It’s the Universe sending me back-to-back messages reminding me that my vision is on its way!

Make Peace with Where you Are 

I’m going to end this post by sharing another important manifestation tip to finding a partner.

Besides loving yourself and connecting deeply with your soul, you need to embrace your current situation.

Accept it and also love your life exactly the way it is. Because what you resist, persists.

So if you continue to fight your current reality and hate being single, you will simply create more of this energy in your life.

The key is to live your most fulfilling and happy life now.

Fall in love with yourself and your life. Do what makes your soul alive and fulfilled.

And act as if you already have a partner.

Let me share with you an example. In the past few days, I just felt like going out for a nice dinner and drinks. I didn’t plan it. I just followed my intuition. And this is great because it means that I’m not waiting for a partner to take me out. I’m worthy and I can do all the things that I like on my own. This is the key to success manifestation.

I’ll be sharing with you my daily/weekly activities here in Canggu. Just to give you an idea of what it means to follow your interests and do what you love.

I’ll be going to a yin yoga class at a gym this evening. So I will update you on that was well.

Until then, I encourage you to practice embracing all of your emotions, your current situation and everything that life throws at you!




manifestation success

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