Am I Dating the Right Man? These Revealing Signs Will Show You Are.

It’s Wellness Wednesday and I feel like the full moon energy is already here.

I’m so grateful that the last Mercury Retrograde ended and that I managed to sage my apartment and clean it.

It was a very short breather as the Full Snow Moon is coming this Saturday and it’s another time for shedding old energy and creating space for new one.

New Dating Sunday Blog Posts Coming Soon

I’m planning to start a new series of dating tips blog posts on my Soul Collective blog this Sunday.

Because I spent the past year learning everything I could about dating and relationships, I feel that I want to share my knowledge and tips with you so you can starting dating successfully.

If you still haven’t, go to the Soul Collective site and subscribe to my newsletter to stay updated with this new series of blog posts.

You will also get a free Manifestation guide – a step-by-step practical guide on how you can start attracting synchronicity and get confident about manifesting.

There are a couple of dating-related articles on this blog too and you can find them here and here and here and here and here and here!

Feel free to comment on this post with any dating topic suggestions or questions that you might have.

Dating the Right Man Should Feel Natural and Easy

I recently heard this piece of advice and it truly made me have a huge realization about dating and matches!

It’s the fact that when you meet the right person, things will unfold with so much ease and flow. Think of your close friendships, how do they feel?

Does it feel natural and easy to connect with these women? does it feel effortless and good?

That’s exactly how the right match and dating experience should feel like!

You don’t need to put so much effort into it and try to make it work – it just does.

There should be no mind games or manipulation – it should feel authentic and effortless.

Because if you’re looking for a magical and loving partnership, that person should be a good friend to you first!

So the next time that you’re matched with someone, notice how you feel and how the relationship dynamic is.

If it feels like you’re having to put so much effort trying to make him want you or to make things work, then it probably isn’t right.

Always remember this golden tip and know that things with the right match will unfold so effortlessly and naturally.

Let me know if you have any comments or questions on this tip.

Looking forward to sharing more dating tips in the new series on my Soul Collective blog.


dating the right man

Dating tips

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