Did you know that your intuition really is one of your biggest superpowers? Listen to it, and it can change your life.
Today’s post relates to my Malta trip. Although I had a powerful healing experience in that trip, many incidents were also pushing me to accept and feel the dark side of my single life.
You can read all about this story in this blog post.
One of these incidents took place when I was exploring an area where you can see panoramic views of the island. After walking around the trails and taking pictures of the views, I sat down for coffee at a cafe in the town.
While I was sat there, I looked online for other interesting things to do in the area. And since I’m a real foodie, my plans always involve eating or drinking. By checking Google maps, I noticed that there were a couple of small, independent vegan cafes in a nearby area.
At that time, I was still on a mostly plant-based diet. And because I’ve done so much inner work to uncover my true self, I can tell pretty easily from the names and images of places whether they’re a match to my personality and taste.
What happens when you don’t listen to your intuition
I’ll be honest and tell you that I kept procrastinating sharing this story because it still makes me upset. You’ll know why in a bit.
After having coffee at at quaint little place, I started to walk towards the town where I saw the hip cafes online.
What was happening was that my intuition was leading me to walk there because the style of the eateries and cafes matches my personality and diet at the time (vegan).
Because I don’t use internet data packs when I travel and I rely mostly on Wifi, I was walking around and following my intuition to see how I can get to the next town. Of course I knew the name of the town that I was heading to and I knew that the Maltese are super friendly folks.
As I was walking around the town where I went to see the panoramic views of the island, I saw a local guy leaving his place. He was probably in his thirties and he looked reserved. Basically, I discovered this after I asked him for directions.
When I asked him about how I can get to the next town, he replied that there’s nothing to see there and he made me feel like I was wrong for wanting to visit that neighborhood in the first place.
That’s when I decided to head back to Valletta and completely forgot about visiting the hip cafe neighborhood.
And that’s also when I betrayed my intuition and didn’t follow its guidance to the end. And instead, I took the words of the reserved local guy as the fact and truth.
What I discovered when I got back to Dubai
After three weeks in Malta, where I stayed in Valletta (the capital city) for the entirety of my stay, I came back to Dubai.
Somehow, I came across all the Facebook groups for vegan food and restaurants in Malta! Only when I came back to Dubai.
You might think that maybe I didn’t have my laptop or wasn’t checking FB while in Malta. No, I actually took my laptop with me and I was checking FB and everything else while there. I just didn’t discover the vegan food FB groups until after my Malta trip.
Now let me explain that the reason that I got frustrated for not following my intuition isn’t the fact that I missed out on vegan food while in Malta. It’s the fact that the restaurants and cafes in that neighborhood truly match my personality and vibe.
To add to the frustration, the culinary school which I was interested in taking cooking lessons with is also based in that neighborhood!
I didn’t attend any classes with them is that their October class schedule was kind of limited and, also, designed for couples. Yes, believe it or not. I still checking their classes as I’m on their mailing list and they cater for couples mostly.
You can read another story of how I had to pay the cost for two people to take a famous boat ride touristic attraction in Malta here.
And there are more stories like these throughout all of my Malta blog posts, which you can go back and read.
What the Universe is trying to tell you
Since I always act as if I have a partner, the Universe is forcing me to feel the shadow side of being single. By having experiences where I can’t find the best spots in town on my own and missing out on the ones that match my personality, I’m forced to feel the dark side of being single.
Another important lesson is to always follow my intuition and ignore mixed signals from others. Especially when they don’t feel right. That local guy had a weird energy around him and I should’ve just dismissed his advise and kept walking and asking other people (whose energy felt aligned and good).
The pandemic season was so powerful in helping me develop my intuition and I wrote this blog post with three practical steps to help you do exactly that. You can read it here.
How I feel about this story now
Although it’s been five months since I got back from that interesting Malta trip, I still feel frustrated and angry when I remember this story.
The reason that I’m frustrated is that I honestly don’t think that I’ll be visiting Malta again – unless I’m in a relationship.
That’s not to say that the island is not a good idea for solo female travel. It’s just that my personal experience there was too intense for me to go back for a solo trip.
Another thing that I regret about that trip (yet, totally accept) is that I didn’t experience authentic Maltese cuisine. Most of the places where I dined were serving Mediterranean cuisine, but not Maltese.
Again, this was because I didn’t really know where to eat good Maltese food and I didn’t have the guidance.
To me, that trip was simply part of my healing journey. It was a deep up-leveling and growth for my soul.
I wouldn’t consider it a real vacation as I would call my RAK UAE staycation for example. These two trips are miles apart.
Future Plans
Anyway, I shared this story to highlight the importance of re-activating your intuition and then following its guidance with zero doubt or questioning. Even when your intuition doesn’t make sense and there are people telling you otherwise, ignore them and follow your intuition – it’s your biggest power.
I’m looking forward to summer trips in June and July to another European country. I trust that the experience will be worth the trip and that I will keep following my intuition throughout the entire journey.
I will keep you updated with my travel news and other news.
Do you follow your intuition, even when it doesn’t seem to make any sense at all? Let me know in the comments.

Your intuition is your biggest power