Your Vibration Matters for Attracting your Dream Life

My latest Manifestation Monday blog post discusses the law of vibration and how it’s more important than the law of attraction.

I had a major realization when I went out for breakfast yesterday. It’s the fact that although I was acting as if I had my dream life and person, I wasn’t feeling great most of the time!

Attracting Your Dream Life

I was pretending that I had my dream life and person with my actions and lifestyle. But my vibration wasn’t aligned with that dream life! I felt down or tired of being single, which slowed down my manifesting.

If you want to understand what I mean by the law of vibration and why it’s important for manifesting a relationship, you can read this blog post.

Simple things like going out for a meal at my favorite casual Asian restaurant or having breakfast and coffee at a newly opened spot were done from a low vibration and feelings of hopelessness.

The positive news is that shifting your vibration to a higher frequency can happen instantly if you allow it, and your reality reflects the shift immediately.

I experience this in my daily life with powerful shifts once I change my vibration to a higher one. Remember, it all starts with you.

If you’re wondering how to raise your vibration and frequency to create your reality, read this blog post.

Take Small Steps

Try taking small steps to feel better. Do things you love. Simple things like going out for a cup of coffee at your favorite cafe, going for a long walk in nature or at the beach, indulging in self-care at home or joining a local group for a certain hobby or activity.

So if you’ve been using the law of attraction for some time and feel frustrated because you’re not seeing results or evidence of your manifesting, explore ways to raise your vibration and frequency.

Let me tell you that I am in that phase right now! I just realized that although I was living my best life and doing things I enjoy all the time, my vibration wasn’t a match to that lifestyle. I felt low or down most of the time.

So, I’m now bringing awareness to how I feel and focusing on the feeling more than the activity or lifestyle.

At the same time, if you’re going through a phase where you feel like you need to process negative emotions, don’t worry. Feel all your emotions – good and bad – and when you feel ready, start doing things that light up your soul and make you feel good.

Don’t Force Yourself

I think that it all depends on what stage of the healing journey you are in. So don’t force yourself to feel something you’re not. If you feel called to go out and do things that make you happy, that’s great!

But if you don’t feel like you’re in that place now, then it’s OK to give yourself time and space to process and integrate the negative emotions first.

That’s all for today’s post. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for future Thursday Thoughts stories!

Vibration matters


Attracting your Dream Life

Attracting your Dream Life: Vibration matters


Vibration matters


Attracting your Dream Life

Attracting your Dream Life

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