Today, I decided to shake up my routine. I went out for a chia pudding, a small cake breakfast, coffee, and then an Asian lunch.
Shaking up your routine is one of the ways to help you see evidence of your manifestation. It builds your trust in the process. And although this happened and I got some insights, too, there was a significant realization that’s not related to seeing the evidence.
What I realized was that I wasn’t living my best life. In the sense that I was in waiting mode – to meet my person – so I could live to the fullest.
Of course, this didn’t happen overnight. Like most people, I underwent significant self-realization during the pandemic season.
Right before the pandemic, I also attended intense inner child healing group work. So much of my time in the past three years was spent processing and integrating the work. This means spending a lot of time in isolation, ending old friendships that no longer served me, practicing setting firm boundaries (always a work in progress), and healing the relationship with my father.
Apart from all the above, I also had a major breakthrough on my last Cyprus trip. You can read the story here.
In short, I felt stuck since I did the deep inner child healing work. Yes, I was traveling and exploring. But my vibration was not a high or happy one.
I know because, in the last ten days of my Cyprus trip, I finally felt all of my negative feelings about being single.
Not only did I accept my single status to its entirety, but I also reached a breakthrough moment that made me feel that it was a horrible place to be in. You can read the Cyprus story to understand more.
Are you in a place where you feel confused about the next step for manifesting your dream life? If so, shake up your routine. The more significant the shakeup, the more influential the realization.
What I mean by this is that you need to do things differently. In my case, I took a cab to the other end of town to check out a specialty cafe (which turned out to be bad) and then another taxi to a nearby area, where I explored another cafe and got a few groceries. Then took another taxi to another part of town to have an Asian lunch at an excellent spot. And it was a weekday.
So try and do things entirely outside of your regular routine if you want to manifest clues about your next move or dream life.
The latest blog post is about living in a place that makes you feel alive and good. And that’s part of my realization from today.
Of course, the plan for a semi-move this summer was always there. It’s being emphasized with each passing day 🙂
If you feel confused about what to do next in life or unsure what step to take, try shaking up your routine.
Remember that living your best life is how you attract more great things into reality.
I’m already planning a few changes to my weekly routine. Stay tuned to find out more!
Today was truly remarkable, with all the realizations and stories I encountered. Leaving you with some pictures for inspiration.

Are you living your best life

Incredible food

Are you living your best life

Are you living your best life