Wellness Wednesday: My Healthy Routine During Lockdown – Part Two

Happy Wednesday!

The full moon energy is here, and I slept for around nine hours last night.

I also feel tired and drained today. As I have trouble focusing, I decided to take things easy.

I just wanted to write this post to continue with my daily routine in this pandemic season.

As I mentioned before, there are so many positives for this pandemic, and I’ve already experienced so many blessings.

Having a set ritual for my days gives me a sense of stability and fulfillment.

It also helps me feel grounded and centered. I highly encourage you to create a routine that works best for you at this time.

If you still didn’t read part one of my daily lockdown life routine, then you can check it out here.

Part Two of my Daily Healthy Routine During Lockdown

6:00 pm – After my shower and mini self-care activity, I will have a snack and tea. My vegan meal plan comes with two snacks, and I usually get a muffin and the brownies that I manifested recently!

If you didn’t read that post, then go check it out and learn the necessary steps of the law of attraction and manifesting!

So now that vegan chocolate brownies are part of the meal plan snack options, I get to choose to have them whenever I want!

7:00 pm – After my snack and tea break, I like to research some stuff online (not every day but on most days I do).

7:30 pm – Once I’m done researching, I will light up a sandalwood incense stick I got from Bali. This marks the time for winding down and creates a zen feel in the apartment. The idea behind these small rituals is to create balance in your day and separation between serious and playful, chilled tasks and times of the day.

I also check my What’s App messages at around this time or earlier. And read a few pages from my book if I feel like it.

8:00 pm – This is not a fixed time slot either. And sometimes I will have dinner at around 8:30 or even 9:00 pm. This all depends on how my day unfolds and how many things I choose to do in the evening.

9:00 pm – My favorite time these days is when I spend time in the ‘being’ mode. That’s when I nurture my inner child – the teddy bear Leela! It’s such a powerful feeling because I feel like I’m genuinely bonding with my inner self and my inner child.

I sometimes choose to read after dinner, and I have Leela sitting with me while I do this.

As you know, the foundation for manifesting any healthy relationship starts with the one that you have with yourself.

I will keep this post short since we’re in the full moon energy. And I will write a Future-self Friday blog post on Soul Collective, so stay tuned!

I also want to add that there’s a temporary water shutdown in my building today and my floor is affected.

It could last till 5:00 pm, and it started at around 10:00 am!

The reason that I’m sharing this fact is to show you how my life isn’t perfect. It’s my mindset and way of responding to things that makes a difference.

Instead of panicking or feeling frustrated or annoyed about this, I use bottled water when I need to wash my hands or use the washroom.

At the same time, they said that they will try to get the work done earlier than 5:00 pm. So I choose to focus on that, and I send energy toward this by aligning with it. This means that I wish to stay at home and not leave to use a public toilet because I trust that the job will end on time or before the mentioned hour.

Another thing that this brings is a feeling of gratitude and appreciation for the things that we have in our daily life and that we might take for granted.

Like an unlimited clean and warm water supply, this is a massive blessing that many people in the world don’t have access to.

I just wanted to share this story to remind you of the power of gratitude and the choice we have in what to focus on.

Until the next post, stay safe and healthy!


routine during lockdown

create a healthy daily routine during lockdown

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