Manifestation Strategies for Discovering and Owning your True Self

This morning, something magical happened!

I decided to get a coffee from a home-grown, authentic spot in my neighborhood. I went to that spot once last year and I never went back because the space is really small.

What’s cool about this cafe is that it’s not mainstream like the other spots in the area where I live. And I know that this is part of my personality that makes me stand out from others and it’s a trait that I want in a partner.

I took my coffee cup and felt called to sit outside for some time. The place is in a noisy road and the seating is really small – two tables only! so by choosing to sit, I was really stepping out of my comfort zone and doing something new.

I later walked to a store to get water and ginger shots. Then I walked to a bench near a construction site and I sat down to talk to my Instagram community.

It’s almost summer here in Dubai, so I was starting to feel uncomfortable because the sun was too strong and I already had a slight headache from the previous day.

While I was sitting there, I was thinking that embracing my authentic self wasn’t such a cool idea since it’s really sunny and uncomfortable.

What Happened next was Magical!

After I was done creating content for my Instagram stories, I started walking to a nearby grocery store where I usually go on Mondays to get stuff that I need.

When I was almost at the store, I saw this man who basically resembled my ideal partner! I actually noticed him looking at me and then he immediately looked away and was looking at his phone.

He was tattooed, athletic fit, stylish, alternative type, strong character (I can read people’s energy), life-smart (he was just standing outside the building checking stuff on his phone), comfort-first luxury type, white European or some other Western nationality and most likely an entrepreneur.

Yes, I could tell all of this from a few seconds of looking at him!

Basically, when you’re close to manifesting your desire, it starts to get mirrored back to you in your reality. It’s one of the signs.

Of course, if I see him around again, I would show him that he’s my type or something. But stay in my feminine energy at the same time.

You can read this recent blog post with another sign that shows up when you’re close to manifesting your desire.

And if you go to that blog post, you will be directed to another one with a different powerful sign about getting close to manifesting your desire!

Why did this Sign Show up?

What I did differently today was choose to embrace my true hipster and alternative self entirely. I was also talking about this on my Instagram stories and when you speak about something, you give it more power to manifest into reality.

Another thing that I did differently today was to really shake up my routine. I used to go to another area on Monday mornings to get coffee and speak to my community. Today, I decided to just stay in my neighborhood and to walk around and sit on a bench. So I really did things in an unstructured way – which is so unlike me!

If you want to explore what switching up your routine means and how it can help fast-track your manifesting, check out this blog post.

Manifestation Strategies Instagram Story Training 

I plan to do a three-day Instagram story training on Saturday, Monday and Wednesday.

Do let me know if you have any topic suggestions for the training.

So far, I’m considering these two topics:

  1. Signs that you’re getting close to manifesting your desire.
  2. The various types of alignment practices and which ones work for you best.

Feel free to comment with any thoughts or questions. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Manifestation Strategies

Manifestation Strategies: Embracing your true self and manifestation

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