Manifestation Monday: Stop Worrying: Everything Happens for a Reason

Happy Manifestation Monday!

I hope you had a beautiful new moon ritual and cleanse yesterday. I personally followed the tarot card reader’s advise and went for a quick dip in the ocean to cleanse my soul of the past.

It felt really good after the ritual, although it was a really simple one. I just kept repeating the words: “I let it go.” while splashing my shoulders with some water. The waves also helped me release because they were basically crashing on me from time to time.

It’s such a magical feeling to be supported by nature, the Universe and good souls like the tarot card reader.

I’ve also been receiving a lot of positive feedback from friends and readers about my Bali posts.

Many of them now want to visit Bali. In addition, a friend from the Osho inner child group made a trip to Ubud after seeing my regular Bali stories.

The energy here is truly special and it’s perfect for healing and spiritual growth. So if you’re planning a trip soon as a solo traveler, then I highly recommend the mystical island as one of your options.

I want to keep this post short because I’m at a cafe in Pererenan right before a nail appointment.

So let me share a few insights that I’ve had in the past couple of days.

Stop Worrying: Things are Constantly Lining up for you

If you have a regular meditation practice and are tuned into your intuition, you will notice the messages that surround you in every moment.

For example, I realized that I stayed at this hotel in Seminyak for a reason. There has been a series of synchronicity messages showing up from day one.

I’ll share a few only. First, the hotel is located near a huge temple. I later found out from the reception staff that it’s actually a community hall for the area. So I’m right in the center of the cultural happenings.

Especially since they have regular ceremonies at that hall and I can hear the loud music and beats while walking by. So it’s a really big thing and not just a normal temple.

Another message was how the reception staff (and particularly one lady) like to socialize at this hotel.

Since I stayed at the Ubud branch of the same resort in my second week in Bali, I can tell you that things were different over there.

The reception staff at the Ubud resort were not friendly or welcoming. It felt like they had an attitude because they are not being paid enough. As such, they don’t want to make small talk or even assist guests.

That’s OK though. Because that was the week where I met the couple who became my friends and the lady was mirroring me.

The interesting thing at the Seminyak resort is that while I might build walls around me and just focus on doing my thing, this very positive receptionist always asks about my day, offers to help in any way that she can and tells me about her family.

She also shows me pictures of her two sons and shares with me stories from her life.

They key message here is the importance of human connection. So this is another way in which I’m growing and evolving into my future self.

It’s a natural thing to build walls and fear communication when traumatized by your own caretakers.

But I’m grateful for the gift of healing and for how things are unfolding for me in the most magical ways.

Surrender – but only after Taking Inspired Action

I’m sure you read all these posts about how the Universe is lining things for you all the time (mine included) and that you don’t need to stop worrying or trying to control things.

While this is totally true. For those of us who had toxic and negative childhood experiences, surrender can only happen after a great deal of inner work and healing.

Essentially, if you still have a lot of limiting beliefs and insecurities, then there’s no way that you can surrender.

When you don’t feel worthy or confident in your own skin, it can be challenging – if not impossible – for you to simply trust that you will attract everything that you desire.

You need to work with a coach or do intense spiritual growth and healing work. Otherwise, you will constantly find yourself stuck and confused.

I really wanted to share this tip from my personal experience.

Because I know that if I didn’t do the deep inner work to clear my core childhood wounds, there’s no way I would be able to reach a place of strong faith and surrender.

I have about one week left for me in Bali. As such, I feel immense gratitude for the continued blessings and clearings I’ve been experiencing daily.

Although I’m not 100% well, because I’m still recovering from a cold, I feel blessed beyond measure for being alive and healthy.

Sending you love and good vibes from mystical Bali.

Stop worrying

Stop worrying

stop worrying

Stop worrying

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