It’s a new moon and I’m feeling good energy-wise. But health-wise, not so much.
I’ve been having issues after five months of being on a plant-based diet that’s high in carbs. This is my last week with that meal plan service provider and I go back to making my own meals from Saturday onwards.
I feel grateful for manifesting a professional clinic in Dubai with warm and friendly staff. The energy of the place is so aligned with mine and I love going there each week for a tailored IV drip session.
You can read about my new weekly self-care ritual in this blog post. Although I’m not feeling well these days because of my eating habits, having this weekly me-time truly boosts my mood.
Some of my physical symptoms include cold hands and feet, excessive hair loss, bloating, low energy and most recently having an upset stomach because of my high-carb diet.
To reframe this situation, I know that this is all happening for me. Because of this shift in my health, I now have to explore what diet suits my body best. So there’s always a positive element in each bad situation that you face.
Morning Rituals
I’ve written about this topic a couple of times but I feel like the women in my community aren’t really following a morning ritual.
I know because I recently spoke to a friend who still checks her phone first thing when she wakes up. She basically prioritizes career, friends, family and every other aspect of her life over her own wellbeing and mental health.
This is why I thought of writing another post about morning rituals and why they are so important.
There’s a strong connection between treating yourself with respect and how others treat you.
Once you start prioritizing yourself and your wellbeing, this self-respect is reflected in your reality. You begin to attract people who treat you with kindness, respect and support.
Another reason self-care is important is that it builds your sense of self-worth and confidence. You start to radiate a powerful energy when you invest in loving yourself and treating yourself right.
Examples of Morning Rituals
You can start your day in the way that best fits your schedule and lifestyle. But I want to share some basic tips:
- Keep your phone on airplane mode during your sleep and in the morning, until you finish your ritual.
- Start each morning with silent meditation. Listen to the sound of the birds and focus on your breath.
- Eat a healthy and nourishing breakfast. Clean eating is directly linked to wellbeing and mood.
- Write a to-do-list for your day so that you have structure and feel good about yourself.
- Include walking or any other activity when you can. This can be once a week if you’re not ready for daily activity. Just start.
- Set boundaries with family and friends. You don’t have to answer each text or be available for everyone. Be selective with who you allow into your life and who gets access to your energy.
- Play meditation or uplifting music throughout the morning and day. Music is a powerful tool to raise your vibration.
Start implementing these simple tips and see how you feel. You can also write in a gratitude journal each morning for three months, if you still haven’t done this.
After three months, you will naturally connect to the feelings of gratitude in each moment of your day and you can eliminate the writing process.
Let me know if you have any questions or ideas for future posts. I have so many exciting things to share in the next few posts, so sign up to the blog to stay updated.
Here are some shots from this morning’s self-care ritual. Pure bliss and peace. Feeling blessed beyond measure.

IV Drip Session

selfcare is sacred – morning ritual

post-IV therapy detox juice

Morning rituals are essential