Coaching Versus Therapy – My Personal Story with Both

It’s finally the last day of the Mercury Retrograde post-shadow period. This was a hugely transformative time for me and I hope that you had powerful breakthroughs as well.

Many people are confused about the difference between coaching and therapy. As such, I decided to write a short post to explain this.

I had a friend ask me a couple of months ago what my coping mechanisms were during this pandemic season.

In coaching, we don’t use the term ‘coping mechanisms’. I replied to her that this term implies that there’s a problem that you need to cope with. When in reality, the problem is in your own mindset that’s creating it!

With coaching, we follow alignment practices. If you want to understand what this means, read this blog post about the topic.

When you meditate and follow certain rituals and practices each day, you won’t be feeling anxious, depressed or down for any reason.

When you focus on gratitude in each moment of your day, you naturally raise your vibration and feel good all the time.

Of course it’s natural to sometimes feel sad or angry. And these can all be felt and processed without judgement.

But when you don’t meditate and you don’t move your body and then you ask me to guide you on what coping mechanisms to use, this simply means that you want an easy fix or a lazy way to feel good and that’s something that I don’t offer.

NLP Life Coaching

As a certified NLP life coach, who blends NLP timeline tools, spirituality and the law of attraction principles in my coaching practice, my focus is on how I can help you create and manifest your dream life and partner.

My coaching sessions are tailored to each client. But I can tell you that the main thing that needs shifting is releasing limiting beliefs and unprocessed negative emotions.

Once that’s done and your vibration shifts, everything flows to you with ease and you can manifest faster.

Another main aspect of NLP coaching is that it helps you live from a creator mindset as opposed to a victim mentality.

You can also experience magical breakthroughs related to your specific situation and state of being.

What I love about coaching is that it focuses on the present and the future. The coach helps you take inspired action to create change and manifest your desires.

You also get an accountability partner (the coach), who can support you in making progress and moving towards your intention.

If you want to know more about my previous clients and the powerful breakthroughs they’ve had, go here to read their stories.


What therapy does is focus on the past and that’s actually a really bad thing when it comes to manifesting.

I can tell you from my personal experience that this is what delayed my manifesting.

Right after completing intense inner child therapy group work, I got ghosted by someone who I was introduced to through a matchmaking agency.

It’s taking me a long time to manifest because of the amount of time that I spent in doing the inner work. It was hard work confronting my past to heal the wounds.

I started my healing journey in October 2016 with general wellness retreats in Bali. Then I got certified as an NLP Life Coach in May of 2018.

I then attended a couple of intense shadow, inner child, primal breath and Tantra workshops at a spiritual growth center in Italy.

And I spent the past year and a half processing the inner child therapy work.

Coaching versus Therapy

These days, I just started to live my best life and to feel like I can connect with others.

I share this to give you an idea of what therapy can do. Although the work that I did was mostly energy work, we did have talking therapy in groups. This was focused on the past and our childhoods.

All I can tell you is that therapy might be helpful for a short time – like a few sessions – and then you can start focusing on the present and creating a new life for yourself.

I also wrote a blog post recently about how constantly feeling like you need to work on yourself can actually make you emit an energy of feeling not good enough and this energy puts men off. You can read that honest post here.

Another thing that you should know about therapy is that when you spend a lot of time talking about your past and problems, you give these issues more attention and this makes them grow.

And because what you focus on, expands, you are basically expanding your past/childhood problems and re-creating them into your present reality.

So instead of investing your time, energy and money into re-creating your past (by talking about it with a therapist), you can spend that time, energy and money on a certified coach that gets you and gets what you’re going through.

And with that being said, my one-on-one coaching for July is open and you can book through this page.

Happy end of Retrograde post-shadow phase day!

Coaching versus therapy

Therapy versus Coaching

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