It’s the end of the week here in the UAE and I’m feeling depleted. There’s a Full Moon coming up next Tuesday and Mercury Retrograde starts on the 27th.
I’m excited about starting a new, calorie-counted vegan meal plan next week! So grateful for this because I tried making and preparing my own meals for the past three months and it was super exhausting!
I think part of it is the fact that I’m following a vegan/vegetarian diet, so I have to be very selective with my meals and nutrients.
What are you excited about these days?
Last week, I shared an NLP concept and how you can apply it to your daily life. Even in uncertain times, you can choose to focus on the positive and the silver lining of any situation. You can read that blog post here.
Why is Finding your True Self Important?
This pandemic has really helped me in uncovering my true, authentic self and living in alignment with that personality.
With each passing day, I discover more of my likes, dislikes and I adjust my lifestyle and habits accordingly.
Simple things like choosing to go somewhere for coffee before starting my day.
It’s so empowering to start living from a place of truly honoring your real self and soul essence.
These days, I realize that for my entire life, I was focusing on career and education. And that this was mainly because of my family conditioning.
I’m not saying that this is a bad thing. I’m simply realizing that it’s not the real me! It’s not what my soul craves to be.
I’m someone who likes to be out and about, to learn from daily life experiences, to do things that light me up like go to a specialty coffee shop or have a nice meal at a restaurant.
And talking of specialty coffee shops, I just visited a really cool one this morning. Because I had a nail appointment in the same street, I decided to give this place a try and I’m glad that I did. I’ve been wanting to check this place out for ages actually. But I never went until today.
Here are some pictures from this morning’s coffee break…

Finding your authentic self

Find your places
I wrote a blog post about how as an empath, it’s important to choose places that make you feel grounded and good. This morning, I felt like this specialty coffee shop has a hipster vibe that resonates with my personality. It’s also a really cozy and small space – which reminded me of Bali coffee shops. It’s like a hole in the wall type of cafe. And this is not common in Dubai at all.
Although the place and interiors matched my personality, the energy and vibe was still that of Dubai. I can talk about this in another post. It’s just that you can’t escape the energy of a place – even though it was empty.
Explore your Life Priorities
Another aspect of my life which is evolving and shifting is how much attention I used to give to self-care and beauty routines.
It’s not that I ignored these areas of my life, but I didn’t really prioritize them.
I say this because these days, I’m exploring how to maintain and style my hair on my own at home. I also invest more time and energy into finding a good eyebrow shaping specialist or a waxing therapist.
In the past, I would just go to a well-reputed salon and I would get things done at the same time – and place – for convenience.
To be honest, I was still picky even in those days. So depending on the salon, I would choose which treatments to get done.
But I never really stopped to understand why I always have ingrown hair on my legs – even when using a good quality wax. Hint: the therapist would remove the hair in the wrong way.
I also didn’t look for an eyebrow regrowth consultant to help me regrow my eyebrows – something I always wanted to do – until now.
I want you to think about your life priorities and your expectations. Are they really yours or someone else’s?
Are they passed down to you by your parents? For example, your parents might value hard work, education, career and business. But are these values part of your value system? are they part of who you are in essence?
They could be. But in my case, they are definitely not.
I value health and wellbeing, spiritual growth and freedom. These are some of my top personal values.
It can be draining living according to someone else’s values or expectations. And more importantly, you can’t manifest anything this way! Not even the daily synchronicities and signs to help you manifest the big stuff.
When you live a life that’s aligned with your true self and who you are in essence, you attract synchronicity and magical encounters everywhere you go.
I’m not saying that I’m currently living that life – because I’m living in a town that doesn’t match my soul essence. So I also have some work to do – basically spend some time of the year in Bali.
This pandemic is helping me realize so many things that never crossed my mind pre-pandemic. What about you?
What realizations are you having? Are you living in alignment with your true self? Are your priorities a match to that authentic self? Or were they passed down to you by your parents?
Self-awareness is the first step to working through the misalignment. So be gentle with yourself and just see what shows up for you.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the comments!

Find your authentic self