Wellness Wednesday: Your Thoughts and Words Create your Reality

Today’s topic might sound common sense and basic, but are you really following this concept?

What is Your Reality?

Are your thoughts aligned with the reality that you want to create for yourself?

Do you find yourself repeating an old story about yourself which is rooted in the past?

Are you playing the victim role in your head as a result of a past negative experience?

Have you ever replayed an old scenario which no longer serves you or the new self that you are trying to create?

Are your actions and habits aligned with the new you or are they stemming from outdated conditioning?

Do the words you use focus on what you want or on what you don’t want?

Are you re-injuring yourself by repeating the past and recreating it in your future?

We Are Shaped By Our Thoughts

The truth is that our thoughts and belief systems shape our reality.

When we experience negative childhood experiences, our brains become unconsciously wired with the same negative thoughts and beliefs as our caretakers.

As adults, we have the choice to take responsibility for our lives. We do that by re-programming our minds and beliefs to match the reality that we want to create for ourselves.

When confronted with a negative thought or belief, start by acknowledging it and then let it go or replace it with a positive one.

Stay consistent with this practice and keep reminding yourself that these negative thoughts and beliefs are simply programs and are not facts.

Continue to bring awareness to your thoughts, words and actions at each moment of your life.

What You Focus On Expands

Be mindful of what you focus your thoughts on, because that’s what you are giving power to and what will ultimately be reflected in your physical reality.

The NLP concept of ‘What you focus on, expands’ is a very powerful one. I will dedicate the next Wellness Wednesday post to it.

For now, I invite you to be mindful of your thoughts, actions and words.

Think, speak and act only on what you want to create more of.  Avoid thinking, speaking or acting on what you don’t want.

When you align your thoughts, words and actions with the new vision that you want to create for yourself, miracles happen.

The Universe is responding to your vibration. Make sure that it’s a positive one.

Till next time, stay positive and focused on what you want – it’s making its way to you as you breathe.


create your reality

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  • Inga says:

    Hi, I log on to your new stuff like every week. Your humoristic style is witty, keep it up!

  • Bettie says:

    Thanks to you for talking about the Law of Attraction in this way; Loved it!

  • Darrell says:

    Very descriptive article, I loved that quite a bit. Will there be a part 2?

    • Saudi Diva says:

      Hello Darrell,
      Thank you for the positive feedback. I’m glad that you found the article useful. There’s a weekly Wellness Wednesday blog post and many other similar articles. You can subscribe to my blog to stay updated.

  • traiteur lévis says:

    Hi there, I check your blogs regularly. Your writing style is witty, keep up the good work!

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