Wellness Wednesday: The First Step I took Towards a New Me!

Happy Wellness Wednesday! Let me ask you a question. Have you ever thought to yourself: “I’d like to create a new me”?

As we approach a new year, I feel inspired to share with you the most effective things that helped me get to another level of my soul.

Basically, I will be sharing the top methods and healing modalities that I’ve tried in my healing journey and that made wonders to my wellbeing.

Each Wednesday, I will share one practical tip that you can do to grow spiritually. It will help to manifest your dream vision.

I decided to write these posts now because after three years of beginning my healing journey, I feel at a good place.

I started my healing journey in October of 2016 by attending a wellness retreat. This was a random type of retreat and nothing that I would recommend. However, by taking inspired action, I was led to the powerful stuff!

I’ll only share the things that worked. I will not mention the things that didn’t. Trust me  – these are many!

By sharing these tips I want to save you time, energy and money. I want to help you on your path to healing and spiritual awakening.

The first step in your healing journey is simple and often minimized.

I admit that when a friend told me about how powerful the gratitude journal practice is, I had doubts.

I couldn’t understand why such a simple practice could change one’s life and wellbeing. This is why I didn’t give it much attention. That was until the Universe sent other people from the fitness group that I was part of at the time to recommend this practice to me.

It wasn’t until the signs were so strong that I finally gave gratitude journaling a shot. And I’m glad that I did.

What this simple practice does to your reality is powerful. When you start being grateful for every little or big thing in your life, the energy of gratitude is reflected in your reality with strong synchronicity and positive situations and encounters.

I advise you to be consistent with this practice. You’ll need at least three months to start seeing results in your life.

Every single day, I would spend about ten minutes or more writing. I’d fill pages of all of the things that I was grateful for. From the gift of health and a sense of community to the ability to travel and attend wellness retreats and grow spiritually.

What you can also do is be thankful for the things that you still don’t have but would like to see manifest. For example, you can express gratitude for a loving and supportive life partner and lover.

With time, you will notice that you are attracting to you encounters with like-minded people or those who support you and care about you. Synchronicity will be a natural part of your day. And you will feel a renewed sense of joy, energy and contentment.

I invite you to try this practice for at least three months from today.

Once you’ve reached a stage where being in a state of gratitude is a habit and doesn’t require much effort from you, that’s when you can skip the writing and do it naturally by appreciating each moment.

These days, I feel immense gratitude for my new apartment and the positive energy of the surrounding area. I’m also thankful for the gift of health and a vegan meal plan delivery service that I am obsessed with. Wellness travel, spiritual growth and healing is another blessing in my life right now.

Let me know what you are mostly grateful for and how you express gratitude in your daily life?

a new me

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  • kari says:

    Lovely post, inspiring and positive. Thanks for your time and for sharing such important tips

    • Saudi Diva says:

      My pleasure! stay tuned for more practical and valuable tips from my personal healing journey. You can subscribe to receive new blog post notifications in your email inbox!

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