You Can Step Out of Your Comfort Zone Starting Today. Here’s How.

I’m so grateful that the full moon ended and now we just have another week until post-Retrograde shadow period ends.

I can’t even tell you how many transformations happened to me in this past Mercury Retrograde season.

It was so powerful and I experienced countless breakthroughs.

I type these words with fresh bright coral polished nails. My hand nails haven’t been painted in that color for years!

I guess since I went on my spiritual growth journey. I just thought of sharing one simple change as a result of retrograde season.

What Signs are you Receiving?

If you need support with re-activating your intuition, here’s a blog post with practical tips for you to do just that.

The pandemic season was truly helpful in strengthening my intuition. Mainly, because I spend so much time alone and at home.

My meditation these days is longer and I feel more grounded. All of this is helping me develop my intuition.

For the past two weeks or so, I’ve been getting all sorts of signs related to travel. Back-to-back signs centered around flying and going on a trip.

The Universe is constantly communicating with you through conversations with others, song lyrics, billboards and almost all types of objects. You just need to practice noticing these signs and clues and taking inspired action.

Because I feel like I need a vacation, I’m now following the signs that I’ve been getting about travel and looking into taking a short September trip.

What signs are you seeing, hearing or feeling? Whatever your destiny is, remember that you always have freewill.

How Can you Step Out of your Comfort Zone?

Whether you’re manifesting a partner, a new job, a house or a country move, doing things differently can give momentum to the process.

Let me give you an example, since 2016, I’ve been making trips to Bali for wellness. And even when I wasn’t attending a retreat, I was still going back to the mystical island. Something was pulling me to it. The energy, the people, it was healing.

Now that I’m vibrating at a new frequency, I’m being called to travel somewhere new. I still want to go back to Bali when they open tourist travel again. But for now, I feel called to follow my intuition and go somewhere new.

What I want you to do is think of how you can make a bold move and step outside of your comfort zone.

It can be something simple like completely changing your daily routine or where you work from.

Like I started going to work from cafes a few days a week. Mainly because of my noisy neighbors, but it’s still a positive change.

When you do things differently, you get new outcomes.

This tip applies to dating as well. If you’ve been on the apps for a long time and are not getting positive results, maybe it’s time to diversify your search and look at other ways for meeting new people.

I know this post sounds like it’s all over the place. But I just felt like keeping it raw and real.

I wanted to share my updates, the signs that I’ve been getting and some words of encouragement to ask you to shake things up and do something entirely new and different.

I’m off to work on my book’s blueprint. If you want to stay updated with the latest news and get a Free Manifestation Checklist, go here to sign up to the newsletter and starting manifesting the right way.

How can you step outside of your comfort zone and start doing things differently? let me know in the comments!

step out of your comfort zone

Step out of your comfort zone

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