Travel Tips Tuesday: Which City Matches your Personality?

Since I wrote my latest blog post, I fell down with a cold, I extended my Malta trip and I changed hotels to my third one this month.

When the time was getting close to the end of my original two-week holiday, I felt like I couldn’t leave. And to be honest, I still feel the same way. If you missed this blog post about how Malta is the type of place that grows on you, you can read it here.

Basically, I wasn’t feeling well and I wasn’t ready to go through the travel procedures again! So I extended my stay for another week.

Now that I’m in my third week, I’m not keen on leaving next Sunday and to make this even worse, a friend told me that the weather will be sunny and nice on the week right after I leave!

This October was different on the island in the sense that it was rainy and the temperatures were cooler than normal.

I guess if I leave, I just have to keep daydreaming of my next trip in the summer of 2022.

If you haven’t travelled this pandemic season, then I can tell you that the admin/paperwork/procedures make traveling for a short period not worth it at all.

The longer that you can stay in a new country, the better. Because travel is a real hassle these days.

Which City Matches your Personality?

Because I love a slow-paced, relaxed lifestyle, islands are my type of places. Malta is an island but Valletta is the capital city. So the vibe isn’t that slow but it’s a closer match to me than a place like Dubai for example.

In Dubai, I tend to stay at home most of the time because I feel like the vibe of the place isn’t really a match to my personality and soul essence.

I guess now you understand why I’m in no rush to end my European getaway. Because my Dubai life consists of me blogging, grocery shopping, cooking on weekends, cleaning my apartment and doing other house chores.

Bali is a great example of a place that closely matches my personality and vibe.

It’s an island and life is simple and slow-paced. Most importantly, everything flows and I feel so aligned with life and source energy when I’m there.

There’s strong spiritual energy everywhere you go and it’s reflected in each and every moment of your day.

My plan is to spend six months or so in Bali next year in the winter.

I’ll leave you with a few snapshots from the three cities harbour tour and St. Agatha’s Tower (the Red Tower).

I’ll probably write a new Wellness Wednesday blog post tomorrow – with a link to my Malta trip.

I truly don’t know how I’m going to leave because I got so attached to Valletta and the entire area.

I want to know, which city or town matches your personality? Where do you feel like you’re in your element the most in this beautiful world we live in? Let me know in the comments!

travel tips

Ferry to the three cities


Travel tips

Travel tips: Valletta Vibes


Three cities tour


Valletta three cities tour


Travel tips: Valletta Harbour Tour


Senglea boats


St. Agatha’s Tower (the Red Tower)

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