The Real Definition of Trust When Manifesting

Mercury Retrograde

Are you feeling the dense energy that we’re in these days? We’re in Mercury Retrograde until December 15 and I’ve been having vivid dreams each night since the season started.

The good thing about this cosmic season is that it brings with it powerful shifts and clearing of old energy, habits and patterns.

You might even choose to release some connections or relationships from your life during this time. I know that I cut off many toxic friendships during this phase. But this time around, I think the release is happening to me through my dreams. I’ve been getting some crazy dreams of people from the past.

Last Week’s Story

If you missed the last Manifestation Monday blog post, you can read it here. I shared five easy ways to raise your vibration and manifest faster.

I’ll be sharing more practical tips on daily grounding rituals and alignment practices soon.

I think that people who have a daily grounding ritual have a sense of calm, peace and clarity. I personally love morning rituals and I can’t live without them.

The Definition of Trust When Manifesting

I remember coming across a random video on Instagram a couple of months ago, where an older woman (I think she was from New York) was interviewed about how she found love.

She replied by saying: “I just had to wait.”

I don’t remember the exact conversation but what I understood was that she found love later in life (at an old age) and she shared how she wanted to be in a relationship so badly but it wasn’t happening.

So basically her verdict or realization after meeting her person was that she simply had to wait.

This video made me think, especially since I’ve been practicing the law of attraction to manifest a relationship for so many years.

I’m 44 years old now. I turned 44 last July (I flew to Bangkok on my birthday and I didn’t celebrate apart from taking that trip which turn out to be a nightmare).

Although I totally get what she means, I’m here to say that there are other conditions that shape when we manifest our dream relationship. So it’s not about waiting and doing nothing. It’s more about being the person who has that dream life (your future self). Let me explain this with a few points:

  • Doing the inner work and healing from childhood trauma or previous relationships.
  • Being the person who can sustain being in that relationship. So if your future self is someone compassionate and loving, then you need to be that way now.
  • Clearing any blocks to love that are specific to your life situation and personality.
  • Taking inspired action and following the spiritual signs. Which is what this blog post is about.

My newly launched ebook helps with all of that and it’s written for the insecure woman. You can get it from this page for only $9.99 USD, consider it a Christmas or festive season gift for yourself.

What Does Trust When Manifesting Truly Mean?

I’ll be honest and say that I only learned this powerful insight that I’m about to share with you very recently.

Most manifestation coaches will tell you that you need to trust the process and that that more you trust, the faster you manifest.

I used to believe that theory too, because I didn’t know any better. But then I realized that I actually trust that I will manifest my person and they’re still not showing up. It turns out that trusting the manifestation process has another deeper meaning to it.

The real definition of trust when it comes to manifesting is that you need to trust that in this moment, you have all the information that you need to manifest your person.

What I noticed during my manifestation journey is that I’m constantly being guided and shown the way – with spiritual signs and mostly visuals.

I’m basically trusting that the clues that help me manifest are being shown to me at the right time.

A friend once told me that the lessons can only be revealed when the time is right.

Her statement is what I’m trying to explain in this blog post.

There are clues and spiritual signs guiding us towards our dream life and manifesting our person. And these clues are being revealed gradually with time (not all at once).

The more inner work and healing we do, the closer we get to our future self and the time that’s right for us to manifest our person.

I hope that this explanation makes sense, because it’s something new that I’m just realizing lately.

For example, if you’re meant to move to a certain city or country, that location won’t be revealed to you while you’re still not confident enough to meet your person and live that dream life.

The location or destination of that country will be shown to you when you’re feeling secure and grounded in your identity. That way, when you eventually meet your person, you can actually keep that beautiful, magical relationship.

So the wait is not just a meaningless wait. It’s there for a reason. And the reason is worth waiting for!

Leaving you with snap shots from my week in Hua Hin, where a main street that I used to walk down each day was lined with the word ‘Trust’!



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