Supermoon Vibes
This last supermoon on November 15 was so powerful for manifesting clues and spiritual messages about our future life. Did you experience anything like that?
Apart from the weird, vivid dreams, I also got so many clues and signs about my love manifestation.
Today, I wanted to share five simple tips for how you can raise your vibration and manifest with ease.
Five Simple Ways to Raise your Vibration Anytime
- Listen to Upbeat, happy songs. When I was staying at a villa-style hotel in Bali, my friend Ceria who noticed the big speakers in the living room said: “Play music at a high volume to help you feel good.” Although I didn’t exactly put the music on super high volume, I did become more intentional with my music choices and play cheerful, happy songs in the morning. So be selective with the type of music that you play and make sure that it puts you in a good mood and state of mind.
- Create a daily morning ritual. It takes me two hours to get ready to leave my place and longer if I choose to meditate. Your morning ritual is meant to help you feel grounded and centered. That way, when you go outside and get exposed to chaos and negative people (both are very common in big cities), you will be less impacted and can maintain your calm and positive state of being. I usually make a smoothie for breakfast. But before that, I make my bed, wash my face, brush my teeth, put my phones to charge and burn an incense stick. Whatever helps you feel grounded and centered is your morning ritual and it should be done daily. Meditation is a great way to feel centered and grounded. My favorite type of meditation is silent meditation and listening to the sound of the birds.
- Go for a mindful walk. Although there’s a grocery store two minutes away from my building, I usually combine that errand with a long walk. This morning, I took the tram and metro to a Starbucks store that’s near a metro station just so I could walk. There’s a Starbucks store near my building but I only go there when it’s too hot to walk outside. Now that the weather is getting cooler, I will never step foot in my local Starbucks because it’s simply too close and I want to be active and get my steps in. I also use the iPhone Fitness app to track my daily steps and close my ring. I never use headphones or look at my phone while walking. It’s a mindful walk because you’re focused on walking and experiencing life around you.
- Find joy in life’s simple pleasures. This tip is connected to practicing gratitude in every moment of your day. If you’re alive and healthy, then there’s already so much to be grateful for. Do you know that by being grateful for what you already have, you attract more things to be thankful for? If you’re free to do whatever you want with your time, then that’s another major thing to be grateful for. Try not to take anything for granted. Simple pleasures like having a good cup of coffee are considered blessings. To me, having a good cup of coffee, taking a hot shower, eating a good meal and planning trips are all amazing things that make me feel so grateful and happy.
- Explore your hobbies and interests. As we uncover our true self, we discover our hobbies and passions. For someone who grew up with narcissistic parents, it’s a real joy to find my hobbies and interests. And these evolve with time. Since the start of the pandemic, I’ve been practicing cooking and I’m now at a really good level with that hobby. I just love testing new recipes, shopping for groceries and practicing old recipes to get better at them. You can also find a hobby that helps you have a sense of community and connect with others. Whatever works for you best, as long as it makes you feel good. My ebook shares practical tips on how to uncover your true self from under the family and societal conditioning. You can get it here for the introductory price of $9.99 USD.
What are your favorite ways to feel good and vibrate higher? Let me know in the comments!
Next week’s Manifestation Monday blog post is going to be so insightful. I will explain and reveal the true meaning of ‘trust’ when it comes to manifesting a healthy and loving relationship.