Self-care 101: Put yourself First, Second and Third

Last week’s Wellness Wednesday blog post talked about intermittent fasting and its benefits for loosing weight.

Since then, I’ve manifested so many magical tools to help with my 2022 wellness journey.

Self-care Matters

Once you set a clear intention for something, the Universe brings to you the best resources and people to support your journey.

For example, I set a new year intention to focus on leading with my feminine energy. And to invest time, energy and money into enhancing my hair and makeup.

Since setting the intention on New Year’s, I manifested a makeup artist who does regular YouTube videos for natural makeup.

I also bought a new hair styler to straighten my hair which I plan to test this weekend. I’ll share results so stay tuned.

And most recently, I manifested a zen health and wellness clinic for holistic health and aesthetics!

After a morning consultation with the doctor at the clinic, I booked an IV Therapy session for hair regeneration for next week.

I’ll share details and a picture of me getting the treatment in next Wednesday’s post. I’m so excited for this new step.

Since starting a low-calorie plant-based meal plan, I noticed that my hair has gone really thin. I always had thin hair but it’s now thinner and that’s more visible because I let it grow longer.

Getting a hair health IV treatment is only the first step. I’ll be looking into skin, gut health and obesity next. So stay tuned.

This is another manifestation story. Last Sunday, I was getting a massage at a spa that I’ve been going to for the past year or so.

I saw IV therapy promoted in the washroom stall and I researched the clinic that they collaborate with.

I later did my own research for a clinic that has hair growth IV therapy with good reviews and that’s how I manifested this zen place!

This year for me is all about tuning into my feminine energy by focusing on hair, skin, makeup, weight and my physical health in general. What about you?

What theme do you have for 2022?

Setting Boundaries with Family Members

Apart from the physical and outside look/aesthetics, setting boundaries is another way to practice self-care and value yourself.

I know that many of you come from backgrounds and cultures where family is highly valued. Your family members gave you the caretaker role, they take up so much of your time and energy and they make you feel like it’s your responsibility to take care of them.

Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s toxic and that you should put an end to it. No matter how guilty they make you feel for not supporting them emotionally or being there for them, always prioritize yourself and let go of your caretaker role – for good.

Start practicing setting healthy boundaries with other people if you find it difficult to do it with family at first.

With time, you will get better at setting boundaries and you will be able to say no without feeling guilty.

Another thing that will happen is that people who don’t respect your boundaries will start to fall off from your life.

You will attract those who know how to set boundaries with you and who respect your boundaries as well. It’s two ways!

And the family members who want to take up all your time and energy? They will start to back off and will eventually leave you alone.

It all starts with you. You are in control of your life. You have the power to change this toxic dynamic.

Always prioritize your emotional health and wellbeing over everything.

If you feel like you need support from a certified coach who gets this type of family conditioning and dynamic, feel free to send me a message to see if we’re a fit for my coaching services. You can read more about my one-on-one coaching and sign up to the Soul Collective blog here.

Coaching until mid-December

I will most likely not offer one-on-one coaching after mid-December, 2022. I will be traveling and won’t be renewing the company license. So if you feel called to work with a certified, spiritual coach who understands you and your story, then get in touch!

If you’re based in the UAE, I have a wonderful zen place where we can have in-person sessions. It’s a central cafe in Dubai and it has a very zen and positive vibe to it.

These days, I’m also enjoying writing an ebook on manifesting a partner. It’s an eight-step guide book for single women who feel insecure and unworthy of love.

You can sign up for updates here and get a Free Manifestation guide.

There are so many things that I’m excited about these days. I’m finally discovering spots in the city that resonate with my personality. If you’ve been to Dubai and you know me, then you will understand why this can be a challenge!

I’m so grateful that I now found cafes and places that resonate with my true self. I’ll be sharing more on this topic soon.

For now, I want you to think about how you can prioritize yourself, set healthy boundaries with family and other toxic people who drain and deplete your energy.

As always, feel free to comment with blog post ideas and suggestions. I’m happy to help!



Self-care: setting healthy boundaries

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