Powerful New Moon Coming
There’s a powerful New Moon coming tomorrow, November 1. So if you have a soulmate wish list or vision board, it’s time to go over it and give it power and energy. You can learn how to write a soulmate wish list – the right way – in this blog post.
I wrote a Thursday Thoughts blog post on world mental health day and you can read it here. In that story, I share about how I made peace with my single life and everything in it.
Today’s story talks about the dark side of being single though and is a polar opposite to the last Thursday Thoughts blog post where I share about how I made peace with my single life and self.
No One Prioritizes Single People
I’ve been wanting to write about this topic for months but I kept procrastinating the story because it’s so painful to talk about.
When I was still living in Saudi Arabia, I had a friend (who used to be my best friend) tell me that I’m selfish.
Looking back, I’m grateful that I was selfish and even more happy that I cut her off of my life! LOL
Whether we want to admit it or not, the truth is that no one prioritizes single people. It’s a fact and no one can argue with me on this fact or prove otherwise.
If you’re a single person who lives alone, then you will get what I mean. If you’ve been chronically single (single me), then you’ll get my statement even more.
To explain this fact in short, single people have to rely on themselves for everything – and the most difficult part is that they have to become their own emotional support blanket or system. LOL
Basically, if you’re single and living alone and you go through challenging times in your life, then you have no one to rely on but yourself. You have to pick yourself up every single time and move on.
If you have emotionally supportive parents or friends or whatever, then good for you.
I read an article that spoke about this exact same topic once and I loved it. Because it was so raw and it shared our struggles in a very clear and vivid way.
The writer mentioned how family or friends are not always available to support single people. She spoke about how everyone prioritizes their own family, children or parents, etc. and that single people always come second or even last.
What I’m trying to say is that being a single person is really tough and that you can feel it strongly when people aren’t prioritizing you and they put you second or last.
For example, friends might cancel plans with single people because they have to spend time with their family or children or partners.
I’m sorry to share such a depressing story but it’s a fact of life and it’s one of these things that has no solution really.
It is what it is and the only solution is to be with a partner who prioritizes, values and love you.
Final Thoughts
Today’s story is not meant to be motivating or to suggest a solution to a painful problem.
Today’s blog post is designed to help us feel all our range of emotions, including the sad and painful ones.
I also want to share that feeling as a second, third or even last priority because of my single status is something that I will never forget – even when I’m in a healthy and loving relationship.
The wound and scar that this situation has left on my soul is too profound and deep to be forgotten or healed with time.
So if you’re single and have been going through similar emotions of feeling like you’re not important to others, then I want to say that I see you, I feel you and you’re not alone in this negative feeling.
The only consolation that I can offer in this very depressing life situation is my newly released ebook. In my ebook, I share practical tips and personal life stories on how I built my self-worth and learned to prioritize myself and feel confident in my own skin.
You can get the ebook for an introductory price of $9.99 USD from this page.
Let me know how you feel about being single and if you’ve felt the dark side of being someone else’s second or last priority. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!