Manifestation Monday: Day One Synchronicity Love Messages from Ubud!

Happy Manifestation Monday! My soul is content and grateful for the gift of life! I arrived to Bali yesterday afternoon. It is the first trip of my synchronicity book project, which I will be writing from here.

Synchronicity from Minute 1

There was a slight delay in the flight from Dubai which caused a confusion with the airport fast track service that I booked. However, I am feeling extremely blessed and appreciative.

Basically, I set the intention for my 2020 to be a year of flow. And the synchronicity book project is all about that.

It’s about allowing life to unfold naturally. Trusting that the Universe has a bigger and better plan for all of us.

So when things didn’t go as planned with the airport fast track service, I didn’t worry at all. I just knew deep inside that this was the Universe’s way of showing me flow and synchronicity. Plus, things turned out fine after I communicated someone from the fast track company. It turns out that the person had left the company sometime in December. That added to the delay and confusion! But all went well in the end and I got to my Ubud hotel in time for sunset.

Messages from the Universe

Another interesting thing that I want to share is my room number. I got the riverside suite number 911!

What’s cool is that I was trying to get a smaller room thinking the suite would be too big for me. Interestingly, they didn’t have available rooms in that category. So I was destined to stay at room number 911. That’s total synchronicity from minute one!

This afternoon, I took the hotel’s shuttle bus into Ubud town. I was walking around seeing what’s new, collecting yoga and wellness studio class schedules and taking iced latte breaks at my favorite specialty cafe. During this time, I encountered countless messages from the Universe. Those magical signs were reminders that I’m on the right path to manifesting a life partner.

Today’s Love Message Highlights and Lessons:

  • I used to avoid staying at hotels that cater to honeymooners, but this time is different. When I booked the hotel I did not know that it’s mainly for honeymooners but I didn’t mind at all. I went into the breakfast and sat somewhere with a nice view. I saw things from a new perspective. Instead of focusing on the lack of being in a relationship (which most single people do), I looked at it as a beautiful opportunity to be surrounded by couples. With each table being occupied by a couple, I was immersing myself in the very energy that I want to manifest into my life! feeling blessed and grateful for this!
  • When I went to check out the hotel’s riverside cafe, I was so glad to hear the story of the Indian ‘couple of love’ as Kadek explained it to me. Rama and Shinta are a legendary couple whose love story adorns the walls near the hotel’s honeymoon villas. Kadek – the reception staff – was kind enough to tell me the entire story as we walked around the lush green wall near the river. Another magical love manifestation story!

More Synchronicity Highlights and Lessons

  • After seeing countless messages of love – obviously I couldn’t take pictures of everything – I reach my favorite Ubud specialty coffee shop and see a bright, red heart on the head Barista’s T-shirt! no joke! He made my iced coconut latte with pure love!
  • While having lunch at my favorite Ubud lunch spot, almost all the songs were either ones that I like or those that represent my soul mate manifestation story! I posted a snapshot of the main song here. It’s also worth noting that I wanted to sit outside at this cafe, but all the tables were taken. So I ended up sitting inside by the window and being surprised with the playlist – clearly why the Universe wanted me to sit inside! I also heard Coldplay’s ‘Something Just Like This’ while walking by a restaurant or cafe and this is another main soul mate manifestation song for me!
  • There was another interesting thing that happened when I went into a mini mart to get two bottles of water. Both cash counters suddenly became busy with people trying to buy mobile data top-ups. This was a clear sign from the Universe asking me to have patience! reminding me that my vision is on its way to me and that I just need to be patient! So obvious and beautiful message!

Leaving you with some of the love messages from today’s walk around mystical Ubud.

I’m off to get a protein shake or small snack for dinner before taking the shuttle bus back to the hotel in about an hour from now.

Stay tuned for more love messages and magical synchronicity stories.

Trust that your vision is on its way to you. The more you trust, the faster you can manifest it!














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