Life Balance: Are you Owning One Aspect of your Personality?

It’s 11:11 am and I feel so grateful this morning for being able to work from literally anywhere.

I came to this hidden cafe that’s accessible by tram from my building to get some work done.

Being an entrepreneur can be challenging at times but when you’re living on purpose, everything flows with ease.

Although this summer is starting off with really high temperatures, I feel grateful and blessed for the freedom that my coaching career gives me.

I want to also add that getting to where I am today took a great deal of self-discovery and exploration.

So if you’re at a cross roads in your career life or are struggling with a job that’s not fulfilling, get in touch to see if we’re a fit!

Life Balance: Why is it Important to Invest in all Areas of your Life?

Today’s topic is very close to my heart because it’s something that I experienced and I continue to until today.

If you missed this recent blog post about the topic, check it here.

Because of my adverse childhood experiences, it took me a really long time to get into dating and relationships.

Basically, I spent the past four and a half years or so investing in spiritual growth and healing.

The last major work I did was inner child therapy in the winter of 2019 and I’m still processing and integrating that work until today!

Although I didn’t put other areas of my life on hold, it was really challenging to see any positive results.

Let me explain. Until you do the deep inner work to release your limiting beliefs and blocks, you will continue to attract toxic relationships and dating experiences. And that’s exactly what happened with me.

So my advice is to invest in doing the inner work first and then start dating.

At the same time, you can explore your hobbies and other interests.

That way, you can find your true self and that’s an essential part of manifesting a healthy and loving relationship.

What you could Be Doing Wrong

I’ll share another example from my personal life about how it took me ages to find my hobbies and trust self.

Because my family conditioning revolves around career, success, achievement and hard work, I ignored other areas of my life for a really long time.

First, it was all about school and getting good grades. Then it was about getting a well-paying job and having security.

Now that I found my true self and my soul purpose, my dad puts pressure on me to get paid clients!

As you can see, it’s an endless cycle.

Because entrepreneurship is a journey, I realized that I was putting an immense amount of pressure on my business.

And as you might know if you’ve been following my Manifestation Monday blog posts, putting pressure on manifesting anything repels that desire and pushes it away.

So today, I lead a balanced lifestyle where I invest in all areas of my life.

Although I’m grateful that I found my soul and life purpose with my coaching business, I don’t neglect other areas of my life.

I know that I’m a multi-faceted personality and that’s what makes me an interesting person.

I know with great clarity that my conditioning was all about career, hard work and achievement.

So these days, I take things easy and I don’t put so much pressure on the business.

I still take inspired action and I dedicate time to work on my career goals and book project. But I don’t make it my sole purpose in life.

For example, I want to start a regular dance cardio training routine. I also just did a straightening hair treatment on Monday and I’m excited to see the results once I wash my hair.

So I invest in my health and wellbeing, in my beauty and physical looks and in daily at-home self-care rituals.

My hobbies also include cooking and taking long walks.

Now that it’s too hot in Dubai for long walks, I just integrate walking whenever I can.

Weekends are when I invest time in improving my cooking skills and testing new recipes.

What I’m Trying to Encourage you to See

This post is all about you recognizing that your family and society conditioning isn’t the real you.

Who your family shaped you to be isn’t your true identity. It’s just the conditioned version.

So when manifesting a partner – unless you do the inner work to find your true self – you will either have failed dating experiences or will attract the wrong people based on your conditioning.

Trust that you are a multi-faceted personality and that who you are today is only one aspect of yourself (which might not be aligned with your soul essence anyway).

If you feel called to work with a certified coach who can support you in finding your true self, get in touch!

I offer both online and in-person one-on-one coaching.

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