I Love You, Don’t Break My Heart!

Last Week’s Story

I wrote a blog post about how no one prioritizes single people and how painful that is. You can read that story here if you missed it.

I had other ideas for today’s Thursday Thoughts blog post but I decided to leave them for the next few weeks. Yesterday, I was in the mall and I got inspired to write another topic.

Today’s topic is all about marketing my new ebook, which you can get from this page for only $9.99 USD.

Marketing Strategies

Because I like organic marketing and I don’t rely on social media or ads, getting the word out about my new ebook has been challenging.

I truly believe in organic everything. I just love using the law of attraction for all aspects of my life including marketing.

The truth is that organic marketing hasn’t worked out so far for marketing the ebook. None of my close friends bought the book – except for a handful of people.

But the friends who are close to me and who I know would greatly benefit from this book (they are my target audience and the book was written with them in mind) did not buy it. Remember that it’s only $9.99 USD so it’s not a big investment.

I also tried promoting the ebook on some Facebook groups that resonate with me and that I’m a member of. Of course, I use the art of storytelling when I share about the book and I don’t just ask people to buy it. Still no sales.

Then I have my X or Twitter community (who are also my target audience) and I shared about my ebook there over and over again. Still, no sales.

But I’m not surprised. Do you know why? My life coaching business (that no longer exists and I cancelled the license) failed for the same reason. And that’s the fact that I didn’t know how to market my business!

Since I want to keep writing more books and to actually sell these books, I decided that I want to make this first ebook a success. So I will take an online marketing course after my next trip and will see how it goes. The good thing is that I found a marketing strategy that resonates with my style and one that doesn’t rely on using social media. I think it involves writing blog posts. Which is what I love doing!

To be honest, I don’t know why my friends and Twitter community are reluctant to buy the book. It could be that they have limiting beliefs that stop them from doing that, but I’m not taking that route to market my book. Instead, I will promote the book to those souls who are ready to make the purchase and who don’t require convincing or analyzing.

I Love You, Don’t Break My Heart

Yesterday, I was walking towards Carrefour in Mall of the Emirates. And because I had shopping bags in my hands, the sales people were being aggressive and asking me to look at their products.

But this time, the harassment was too insane and it was my first time to experience such a crazy marketing strategy.

As I was walking towards the supermarket with my shopping bags, I heard a woman from one of the kiosks in the middle of the hallway scream out to me: “I love you, don’t break my heart.”

I’m honestly not making anything up and those were her exact words. I just kept walking and didn’t even look to see what product she was promoting. It could’ve been a skincare product or something else.

So, I’m going to use the same crazy marketing strategy and say this to you and ask you to buy my ebook – which is actually adding to you a lot more than the small $9.99 USD price tag.

I love you, don’t break my heart!



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