Happy Wellness Wednesday!
I don’t know about you, but I’ve had vivid dreams since the start of this pandemic.
I also find that these intense dreams are supporting my spiritual growth and manifestation journey.
Although it’s been a little over six months since I attended an inner child therapy group workshop, I’m still processing the work and having dreams related to the family dynamics and releasing them entirely!
Inner child work is the most powerful type of therapy, and especially the energy work that I did at Osho Miasto.
I highly recommend that you attend a primal group therapy workshop once it’s possible.
I feel so grateful that I managed to complete this intense but essential type of therapy work before the pandemic.
It’s such a blessing to know that there’s a way to live a healthy life – and be reborn – even after experiencing tremendous adversity and a toxic childhood.
Back to vivid dreams and lockdown life…
Develop your Intuition
Did you know that this lockdown life is the perfect opportunity to re-activate and strengthen and develop your intuition?
When you focus your energy inwards, you make space for your inner guidance system to show you the way.
It’s also compelling for discovering your authentic self. It takes a lot of work to remove the layers of conditioning and find your real, authentic self.
While a spiritual life coach can help with that, you can make the most of your lockdown life by peeling some of these layers yourself!
This process can be done simply by meditating, spending time in silence each day, doing what you love, practicing mindfulness and allowing yourself to take a sacred pause and listen.
I am experiencing back-to-back synchronicities and magical messages from the Universe these days.
What I’ve noticed is that because I’m spending all my days indoors and not leaving my place, I managed to cut the distractions and noise and focus on what I want to manifest and create for myself.
With a daily healthy routine – which I will talk about in a future blog post – I feel like I’m living in alignment with my authentic self as I’ve never done in the past.
I get to do what I love doing most, live out of my core vibration of freedom, make time for my hobbies and be my real self.
Of course, when you follow your passion, live out of your core vibration and authentic self, you become a magnet to your desires.
But before you get to that level of manifesting, you need to uncover your authentic self. The self that is buried under the family and societal conditioning.
You might not be able to attend a wellness retreat or intense, primal therapy workshop. But, you can tune into your intuition and let it guide you.
Powerful Times
I found so many positives to this weird pandemic situation. I’ll be dedicating a separate post to write about these silver linings soon.
One of these is that I’ve been living out of flow and alignment. This is because I’m tuned into my intuition and inner guidance system.
I still practice silent meditation each morning and spend time loving and nurturing my inner child – Leela.
The main thing that changed is that I’m no longer exposed to the outside world and energies.
I genuinely believe that distractions and external energy have a significant impact on our energy field and how we feel in general.
And because I don’t spend time being out and about, I have more time sitting in silence. I can dance to Osho celebration songs, training to Latin dance workouts and merely tune in to my authentic and higher self.
What you Can do Now to Develop Your Intuition
If you’re feeling confused about who you are in your soul essence and are still living with family or in a community that doesn’t feel right, my advise would be for you to take time to sit alone in silence.
Take a sacred pause and remove all the noise and distractions.
The only way to discover your authentic self is to go within. This can be done with meditation, sitting in silence and simply being.
Bring mindfulness and presence back into your life and watch what happens.
This is truly the best time for this as we are all forced to live in the present moment.
I admit that I was one of those people who is continually planning and looking for the next big thing.
I would always be in the ‘create your reality’ mode. Instead of living in the present moment and all the fantastic things that it has to offer.
With these trying times, I had to focus my attention on the present. And in reality, that’s all there ever is.
The past and the future don’t exist. It’s always the present moment.
So take this season as a magical opportunity to get back home to your real self and develop your intuition.

Develop Your Intuition