Confessions of a Saudi Diva: FAQ’s about Career Goals

Since I started in the internship and am working on my career goals, I now have to dedicate at least one day a week to write on the blog. More days will be allocated to blogging once I have a more organized and fixed routine. As I’m still adjusting to the office hours and to getting things done after work…

Saudi Diva Career Goals

My weekends are now spent between attending workshops and learning something new, getting things done and blogging. My career goals are important to me.

Let me give you an example. This weekend; I spent most of today at the beauty salon, then getting a thing or two before heading back home to eat and go online to get work done. Once I’m done blogging, it’s time for a bit of grocery shopping and housework. Then, I must go to bed early as I’m attending a very interesting one-day workshop in Abu Dhabi tomorrow. After the first workshop is over – depending on how I feel – I might attend another relationship-related workshop.

So that’s my weekend in a nutshell. That’s why, I must plan social events in advance. Since one day of my weekend must be spent in getting things done and blogging. When I say getting things done I mean essential stuff like grocery shopping, house chores, going to the salon and shopping for essentials like cosmetics or hair products.

Becoming Financially Independent

Gone are the days when I had the luxury of dedicating time to shop for clothes and follow new trends. I think this became a thing of the past since I decided to become financially independent. And even though I still haven’t achieved that goal, I managed to learn a lot of things and to progress into a better version of myself.

I do plan to go back to shopping for stylish clothes and going for beach and spa days soon. It requires me to make time for it on weekends. I also need to start writing posts on weeknights.

Making More Time for Myself

Whenever I meet people for the first time and tell them that I’m from Saudi, I always get inundated with a series of questions. Out of politeness, I answer them briefly but explicitly and give the person a good story and explanation. But then I direct them to check my blog and read my posts where most of those questions are already answered. I think I need to stop answering those queries completely and just ask the curious personality to check and follow my blog. The reason is that those questions are always repetitive. And I don’t feel like explaining them in detail every single time – It’s just too exhausting. That’s the whole point of the new blog focus and this new series of posts!

In addition, I also decided that I need to be more selective with who I spend my time with. Since I have a number of goals – 3 to be exact – that I need to achieve before I die, I feel that I can’t afford to waste anymore time socializing with people just for the sake of it. I’m not young and I have three major objectives/career goals that I need to make happen.

Imagine this; I spend my free time socializing or hanging out with friends instead of working on my targets. Then, before you know it, the years have gone by and I’m 50 years old, single, not achieved my career goals and still writing on this blog and ranting about my life!  LOL

Creating a Life Your Don’t Need to Escape From

That’s why I’m very excited about tomorrow’s workshops. One is about creating a life that you don’t need to escape from. Basically, not having to go on holidays to leave your pathetic lifestyle. But instead, being able to live a rewarding life and live in the present moment. I honestly can’t wait to see what I can learn from that workshop. I will update you all about it next week.

The second workshop is aimed at helping us understand relationships better and working towards attracting the right relationship. This is an excerpt from the workshop’s page:

“In this workshop, we will work through the power of polarity between men and women, the different dimensions of a relationship, and what can kill any relationship. ”

Advanced Notice Required

I guess I will keep this post short in order to have time to tick off the rest of the things on today’s to-do list.

If you’re a friend reading this, then please give me an advanced notice if you want us to hang out. Applications can be sent to me by sms or what’s app 🙂 They will be reviewed according to their relevance to my life goals. The ones that can contribute to helping me with my life goals go at the top of the priority list to be considered for the upcoming weeks plans. While the ones that don’t, will be postponed until further notice. In some cases, the application may be rejected as well. I simply don’t have any time to waste.

Have a great weekend and speak to you all next week!

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  • Heba Sharaf says:

    Waiting eagerly to hear about the 1st workshop ” creating a life that you don’t need to escape from ” as i do tend most of the time to escape from my daily life routine by taking short breaks or when i am not able to escape i cry alone asking God ” what have i done wrong in my life to deserve this ! “

    • Nada says:

      I will be writing all about the workshop soon. It was a very interesting one indeed. And yeah I completely understand how you feel. It’s like we live in a never-ending roller-coaster ride. I think God chooses some people and decides that they will suffer more than others in this life. We just happen to be the chosen ones! LOL Today, I got a message from a blog follower on my blog’s facebook page asking me for advise on housing and relocation to Dubai! I’m not sure when did I state that I’m a relocation expert or real estate agent! That’s why I like to disappear sometimes and not see or meet anyone!!! Howa ana na89a! LOL

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