My Life-changing Wellness Retreat with My Chi Journey (Part Two)


A magical experience with My Chi Journey in Ubud, Bali


I’m so grateful for My Chi Journey for helping me get on track with my wellness and healing process. In the previous post, I spoke about the main highlights of my first ever wellness experience and how it influenced me positively in endless ways. These changes include waking up (or at least aiming to wake up) at sunrise, cutting down on coffee and replacing it with Earl Grey Tea, eliminating all carbs from my diet, having roasted vegetables or salad for dinner, going for walks in the park at least three times a week (I slipped from this but getting back next week), staying active in general by exercising more regularly, visiting the beach more often and taking up a new water sport (work in progress) and of course trying to meditate for at least five minutes daily.


My Chi Journey’s Bali wellness retreat was set in the midst of the lush Ubud rice fields!

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With stunning views like these, how can anyone not be mindful and present?


Of course the challenge is to integrate everything that we learned and developed during the retreat into our daily lives and routines when we get back home. I must admit that being a night owl, my biggest challenge has been to stick to getting up at sunrise (or even earlier than my usual starting time). Another one was keeping my calm when faced with triggering situations and individuals – think Dubai cab drivers 🙂

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Fresh, wholesome and healthy meals teamed with magical rice field views make for the perfect wellness retreat!

Another change that I’ve introduced to my daily to-do list is a healing plan! yes, it’s something of my own creation which helps me stay focused on my wellness and healing journey. The idea is to try and do at least one thing every day that will get me closer to feeling better and more content. This includes:

  • Writing (whether on the blog or to people who can understand and provide guidance)
  • Meditating (in my balcony, for at least five minutes)
  • Going for walks in the park or cycling (at least two times a week)
  • Attending wellness workshops at the center in my neighborhood
  • Going to the beach at least once a week and taking up a new hobby
  • Attending psychology and human behavior workshops at another center in my area!
  • Connecting with supportive friends (old and new) by catching up on weekends and doing different activities together
  • Attending a weekly meetup with a group of individuals where we all support each other in our wellness journeys
  • Experimenting with energy healing and Reiki (might begin this in the new year)
  • Visiting a psychologist to discuss my current situation and get advise

The above steps are only the beginning! I’m sure that more ideas will come up along the way, as I start implementing these changes.

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Keeping a journal or a blog can help in the healing process


Letting go of the old was one of the main aspirations of my wellness experience


By our last day, we were all full of smiles, life and overall peace

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Supporting one another in our healing and wellness journeys can make a positive change in our lives. A great wellness retreat experience.

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Saying goodbye to a magical experience with lovely souls wasn’t easy. But this is only the beginning 🙂


Since the main element that I wanted to work on during the retreat was letting go of the old and making space for the new, I can’t tell you how excited I am to do just that with My Chi Journey‘s upcoming NYE Sri Lanka retreat! We will be swimming with dolphins, unleashing our creative energy and manifesting our perfect life in a four-day once in a lifetime experience!

I think I’ll watch this video daily until I fly to Sri Lanka 😀

The Power of Intention – New Year’s Eve (Sri Lanka)

My Chi Journey NYE Retreat Details: Sri Lanka Experience with My Chi Journey

Next up on the blog: Where to eat and drink in Ubud!

Saudi Diva signing off XXX

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