Wellness Wednesday: Set the Intention for the Day

Happy Wellness Wednesday!

I love how my post topics and ideas are coming to me so naturally these days.

Intention Setting & Synchronicity

Apart from the fact that I always share with you the wellness and healing tips which have effectively worked for me, I’ve been experiencing a lot of synchronicity lately.

When I learn and test a new law of attraction tool, I find that something in my reality is proving its importance to me.

Sometimes, this comes in the form of other people doing something completely contradictory to that law of attraction concept.

Let me explain…

I recently started setting the intention of how I want my day to unfold during my morning mediation practice.

The result was magical. My day reflected that precise intention. It felt like I am the master of my own reality (which we all are)!

You can choose to set different intentions each day. This is based on your plans for the day.

For example, I had booked in a handy man job the other day and I wanted it to be smooth and easy.

During my morning meditation, I focused my thoughts and attention on this intention and guess what?

The handy man arrived exactly on time (which is rare in Dubai and I also didn’t experience it with this specific company since I’ve used them a couple of times in the past). He was extremely professional, hard-working, dedicated and friendly. Plus, the job was done perfectly (it was the fixing of a mirror on the wall) and he even cleaned the space with a dustpan after he completed the job!

Basically, my morning intention for this specific circumstance created the physical reality.

This is how powerful yet simple the law of attraction tools are.

Intention Setting Examples

Here are some examples of intentions that you can set for your day:

Today I will:

  • Stay grounded.
  • Remain focused.
  • Be centered.
  • Feel calm.
  • Not give my power away in challenging situations.
  • Stay positive.
  • Practice mindfulness.
  • Know everything flows with ease.
  • Understand that everything is easy (my favorite).

You can create your own, personalized intention based on what your current experience is and how you want to shift it.

What’s fascinating is that right after I learned this tip and started practicing it, I read a message from someone on a chat group, They said that the experience of being in a relationship is the difficult part.

As an NLP certified coach, words like “difficult” or “hard” are not in my vocabulary. I even avoid writing or typing them, because when you use such language, you are sending energy into that situation and ultimately manifesting it into your reality.

When I saw his message I couldn’t help but reply with the tip that I just learned and practiced. I explained how the Universe reflects to us our intentions/thoughts/beliefs/words and actions.

In saying this, I don’t say that I’m perfect. I’m also working on improving my thoughts/words/actions each day.

Next Post – Focusing Your Energy

In the next post, I will explain the concept of focusing your energy on the outcome that you want to experience in your reality.

Until then, practice setting daily intentions during your morning meditation and let me know how it goes!

Follow me on Instagram for daily inspirational stories and uplifting content 🙂


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