Vanessa Kresnobadi
Vanessa Kresnobadi Quotes
“Indonesian men can be highly manipulative. Our culture dictates male dominance in relationships.”
“Many women don’t see the world. Men keep playing with their lives. They have a wife for status only and they play mind games with her.
They try to convince the wife by saying: ‘I love you so much. I’ll never leave you. I made a mistake. I’m sorry.”
“Society tells you that you have to accept this behavior and that it’s normal. Nobody tells you to stand up for yourself and that this is not right.”
“Don’t forget to check and ask your heart. Don’t let anyone brain wash you.”
“I had to listen to my heart, because I didn’t have anyone to ask.”
“I was really hitting the bottom.”
“You need to learn how to listen to yourself. You have to learn how to stand up on your own ground.”
SD: Describe yourself in three words
“I’m a Namaste Zen Gangsta.”
More Vanessa Kresnobadi Quotes
“Life is either black or red”.
“Changes are beautiful” said the sky before she set..”
“Don’t waste time to entertain skeptic or those on denial. It is not your job to fix people. It is their job to find them self. Knowledge is a gift. If it is hard to make them understand, means they have not yet receive the gift. At least you have tried to be kind and speak the truth. Let go and move on.”
“The ones that are poor are always oppressed by The modern-day Tyrant , they believe they are the ‘Gods’ of this world – only because they posses wealth of paper money and digits, so they can play god and control everything ( well…that’s what they thought ). I have prayed; ‘for this new earth , let Energy be the new monetary system… Whereas only kind heart & soul can produce this energy.
The more they purify their hearts, the higher their energy / vibration is produced = the more wealthier they become… For the wicked will loose all their money in this way, and have no choice but to repent and change to be kind, in order to be able to survive / live ‘
lf all the oppressed and poor, pray like this, I truly believe it can happen – when Allah will to do so.”
The more they purify their hearts, the higher their energy / vibration is produced = the more wealthier they become… For the wicked will loose all their money in this way, and have no choice but to repent and change to be kind, in order to be able to survive / live ‘
lf all the oppressed and poor, pray like this, I truly believe it can happen – when Allah will to do so.”