Shedding Old Energy to Make Space for New Experiences

We’re still in the full moon energy, and I’m feeling so depleted and drained. So I’ll keep this blog post short.

Full moons are usually times for shedding. What this means is that you’re letting go of old patterns, habits and ways that are holding you back in life.

A good example of shedding old energy relates to boundaries. When we grow up with toxicity and no boundaries, we tend to struggle to set healthy boundaries with others. And this becomes a recurring pattern in our lives.

I personally did a lot of work on boundaries, and I share all of my tips in my upcoming ebook.

Evolving Takes Work

When you start doing the work and evolving, you attract people and situations to help you reach the next level.

I experienced this with boundaries, and I had people show up for me this full moon to test my new boundary-setting skills.

This is a powerful time for releasing old patterns and habits to make space for new experiences and people to show up in your reality.

Something profound and significant happened on this full moon. I was at a cafe with a woman I met recently, and we both started chatting with a lady who turned out to be a life/business coach. That coach was just starting out her coaching business and was in the very first stages.

Because I decided to end my coaching practice with the end of my business license on December 18 this year, the Universe presented this coach in my reality as a way for me to release this role from my life. Very powerful stuff, right?!

Shedding Old Energy

Although full moons can be challenging, as you can feel down, confused and frustrated for no reason, they are powerful opportunities for shedding old energy and evolving to the next spiritual level.

Tomorrow, November 11 is another important date. There’s a powerful manifestation portal that’s opening.

I’ll write a blog post about this topic on my Soul Collective blog, so stay tuned.

Until then, let me know if you have any thoughts or topics you want me to cover in future posts.

Happy Full Moon Shedding!


Shedding Old Energy

Shedding Old Energy and Full Moon Shedding

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