My Weight Loss Journey: Why Being Single is no Longer Sustainable

I’m not the type who weighs herself or even cares about weight.

I love feeling healthy and having a good body shape. It’s as simple as that.

A Surprise in my Weight Loss Journey

I went to see my functional medicine GP yesterday for some issues, one of which was my belly fat.

I was shocked to discover that I now weigh 73 KGs. Like I said, I don’t weigh myself, and I don’t own a scale.

The last time I weighed myself was at a spa in the second year of the pandemic or something, and I was around 69 KGs.

The point is that I’m at the heaviest weight of my entire life. I’m not surprised because I can see myself in the mirror and in pictures, so I know I have gained weight lately.

The exciting part of the story is this:

I worked on improving my cooking skills throughout the past three years, which is one reason for my weight gain.

There is a Reason to Be Happy

And I think that’s mainly why I’m not so upset about my weight gain. Because although I gained so much weight since the pandemic’s start, I also learned how to cook well and improved my culinary skills.

These days, I have a repertoire of favorite dishes that I regularly cook and refine through practice. Additionally, I’ve been venturing into new territory by experimenting with pancake recipes and attempting to bake cakes. Overall, I’m proud to say that I have reached a level of confidence and enjoyment in cooking various dishes from diverse cuisines.

I’m also excited to practice baking things like muffins and cakes. But there’s another angle to this story.

The main reason for my weight gain is that although I cook in a healthy way, I make portions that are good for two people.

And because I don’t like eating leftovers, I eat a meal for two. And although I practice intermittent fasting, this is still an issue.

So the major realization or breakthrough moment is that being single is no longer sustainable.

My Master Plan

It’s all connected to my plan to move for six months. Although I’m not happy about not cooking for myself for a long time, I feel this is the right decision for now.

I have to move because I’ve seen spiritual messages from the Universe about moving for the past two years.

But now it’s all making sense because I reached my heaviest weight ever!

I must move and break the pattern of living alone and cooking myself. Although I’ve been acting like I have my person for a long time, I’m being called to make changes.

One major change is moving countries for six months.

I have mixed feelings about this decision. A part of me genuinely believes and knows that it’s essential for manifesting my person and is where the Universe is guiding me, and the other part is sad because I don’t want to stop cooking for six months. How will this affect my weight loss, I wonder?

Listen to the Universe

I know that cooking is all about practice, and if I take a long break, it will be like learning how to cook again when I return.

But I have no choice but to follow the messages from the Universe.

I’ll update you with my weight loss journey, move plan and updates.

Stay tuned for another exciting story tomorrow!



weight loss journey

Weight loss journey

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