Self Reflection: My Breakthrough about Solo Travel

I wanted to keep the stories from my recent Cyprus trip light, but sadly the way the trip unfolded doesn’t allow me to.

I’ll be writing Travel Tuesday blog posts about the trip, but these will be mostly travel tips and recommendations.

The rest of the stories, especially the ‘Thursday Thoughts’ ones, will be deep and sad for the most part.

What’s interesting is that when I visited Malta in the winter of 2021, I thought that the trip helped me feel the shadow side of being single. You can read the stories from that trip to find out why. What I didn’t know at the time was that my Cyprus trip would be the one that would force me to feel the dark side of being single and traveling alone.

The breakthrough happened in the last part of my trip when I stayed at a beachside resort in Pissouri Bay. The hotel was mostly for couples and families (but mainly families), and I felt like an alien. But not only that. I felt a range of emotions, and the breakthrough was that I was no longer a fan of solo travel because it’s ultimately not a good situation.

After a decade of solo travel for leisure, the breakthrough happened in Pissouri Bay, Cyprus.

My first solo trip for pure leisure was in the winter of 2012, and I went to Hong Kong. Since then, I’ve made many solo trips to places in Asia (Bali and Sri Lanka), the Maldives, Oman and Qatar, Malta and a few trips to different parts of Italy.

On those trips, I never felt what I felt in my last ten days in Cyprus. It was intense. I never felt like solo travel was bad until my last ten days in Cyprus. This self reflection really changed me.

Everywhere I travelled, I felt so confident and comfortable being alone. I truly valued my independence and freedom and was happy traveling solo.

It wasn’t my first time staying at a family-style resort. But the Universe listens when you set a clear intention. So when I intended to manifest a healthy relationship, I was guided to feel all my feelings about being single.

Before my breakthrough, I was guided to make peace with being single. And this happened specifically in my Malta trip when I met a woman who shared a Facebook group for Solo Female Travelers with me.

I took her suggestions as a message from the Universe and joined the group a little over a year ago. I can’t say that I was very active in that group, but this was the milestone when I started accepting my single life and making peace with it.

Not knowing that this acceptance was a pre-requisite for the next phase: Feeling the dark side of being single and all my sadness around the situation.

I’ll go into more detail about this breakthrough in future blog posts. Today, I wanted to start this series of self-reflection and breakthrough stories in a light way.

Two days ago, I muted notifications from the ‘Solo Female Travelers’ Facebook group because I feel it no longer aligns with who I am or want to be.

Stay tuned for more insights from my Cyprus breakthrough. Which B.T.W. is all connected to manifesting a relationship.

Leaving you with some pictures from Salt Lake in Larnaca. This was way before my breakthrough about solo travel took place.

Larnaca was the first town I visited in Cyprus, where I enjoyed my time the most. Coastal town, walkable and safe.


Larnaca Salt Lake


Self Reflection

Self Reflection


Larnaca Salt Lake

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  • Carole says:

    I’m twice your age and here’s what I’ve learned: firstly, being emotionally independent and happy in your own company is one of the best life skills you can have. It sets you up for better relationships in the future, because you’re more likely to attract someone who likes emotionally-independent, sorted people. And believe me, that kind of person is what you want, for a healthy happy relationship. One in which both of you can be yourselves without the heavy burden of the other person’s needs and expectations. Secondly, whatever your personal situation it’s important to choose the right destination for you. So, a solo traveller shouldn’t choose a destination for families or romantic couples, and a parent of young kids shouldn’t choose a destination for partygoing singles! Thirdly, it can take time and a lot of travel to meet the right person. These things can’t be rushed. I found my dream guy when I stopped looking. All the best.

    • Saudi Diva says:

      Hi Carole! I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts on my post. I turn 43 this July – are you really twice my age?! Wow! Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment on my story! I agree with everything you said. I’m moving to Bali this July for six months only and then I’ll be back to Dubai. I feel that when I’m living somewhere that feels aligned and matching to my soul essence, I’m less concerned about meeting my person. So I’m already in the energy of living my best life and not looking. I feel that I’ll be living even more from that state once I’m in Bali. I actually just shared about not ‘looking’ or ‘wanting’ on my Instagram stories today! My latest IG post also talks about this topic. Feel free to follow me on the socials if you’re using any. I’m mostly active on Twitter and Instagram stories but I also have a Facebook page for the blog. So lovely to read your wise words and I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts and personal life experience! I’ve been chronically single for most of my life 🙂

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