It’s another Full Moon and I have a headache, so I’ll keep this blog post super short.
I’ve been busy getting things sorted before my Bali move. Yesterday, I gave away my first ever pet – Betta fish – for adoption.
I was gifted Marco – my male Betta fish – on my birthday two years ago. I’ve had him since then and I honestly didn’t expect him to live this long. Betta fish have a life expectancy of two to five years. I used to take him to the pet store before each trip and pay for his boarding!
To be honest, I don’t think I’m a pet person and I don’t want to own pets ever again. It’s mainly because freedom is my number one value and having a pet is a responsibility and ties you down. Imagine if I had a cat or dog! I don’t think I can handle it.
I feel like Marco was a great addition to my home in the pandemic years and it felt nice to have him. Betta fish are very active, smart and sensitive fish. They’re also called fighter fish because they can get aggressive.
While I enjoyed Marco’s presence, I disliked the trips to the pet store and the subsequent pick-ups after my travels. Finding the right adoption group for him proved to be a hassle, requiring a full day of research and inspired action. Fortunately, I successfully placed him with an experienced Betta fish owner. I’m grateful Marco is in good hands, and honestly, I don’t miss him much. LOL.
I think I just don’t like having pets – it’s not for me. I love traveling and being free. I’m nomadic and I like that about myself.
Next up, giving away my indoor cactus plant. It’s now so tall. I’ve had this plant since the very start of the pandemic and it grew incredibly tall with my extra care. The cactus plant was also my first ever plant! I didn’t want to give it away, but I called a store which used to offer the service for keeping plants while a person is away and they no longer offer the service. So I guess the cactus will have to go to a new home too! I’m not so attached to it either, because I can always get a new one if I want to. So it’s all good 🙂
Today’s Manifestation tip is related to how when we’re manifesting, we’re simply revealing what already exists in another timeline.
Let me share a simple story that happened to me recently. Because I like to go for a long walk and get coffee in the winter months, I’m always looking for new quiet spots.
I recently discovered a Starbucks store that’s about a 20-minute walk from where I live. Although the store has limited seating, it’s located in an area with a stunning view. It’s also very peaceful there because it’s away from the busy area where I live.
What’s interesting is that I only discovered that store after six months since it opened, by checking the Starbucks location on the Deliveroo app. So it was a very random way and the store never came up when I searched for coffee shops in the area!
Of course, the weather is too hot for long walks now. But that store was open since December and that would’ve been the perfect spot for me to get coffee and go for a nice long walk. Except that I only discovered it in the middle of the summer!
What this story tells me is that my vibration or state wasn’t in a place that allowed me to find this store.
The same goes with manifesting anything in life. Manifestation depends on our beliefs and inner conversations. If we keep having negative self-talk and believing that we don’t have the thing that we’re manifesting, then it can’t reveal itself to us.
Remember that manifestation is not creation. We’re simply revealing a parallel reality that already exists in a totally different timeline.
All we have to do to materialize it is to believe that we’re worthy and to live and feel as if it’s already ours.
Start living and feeling as if you already have your dream life and person and it will show up for you eventually.
I think I’ll end the post here and I’ll share a picture of that beautiful view from that Starbucks store when I go there next year in early January!

manifesting miracles