Manifestation Monday: Make Bold Moves to Manifest Faster!

Happy Manifestation Monday!

I’ve been staying at home for the past couple of months. As such, my only human interaction has been with the delivery guys and a few meetups with friends.

So these days, I spend a reasonable amount of time online as most of you do. And my central social platform has been Facebook!

I’ve joined a couple of Facebook groups that are related to my future goals and interests, and I genuinely enjoy engaging with like-minded people and just commenting on posts and sharing ideas.

One of my primary goals for when this season is over is to spend an extended amount of time in some other country and work on my laptop as a digital nomad. Of course, I’ve already done this in past trips to Bali and Italy, but this time, I want to make a bolder move.

This means that I’m looking for options to stay long-term at a country which will be open to foreign tourists staying long-term.

Manifest Faster: All it Takes is One Leap of Faith

For those of you who never experienced living in a new country for long periods, I want to share a little bit about how I started my digital nomad journey.

When I first traveled solo, it was to join a group of people who were on a wellness retreat in Bali.

In that same year, I joined another wellness retreat in Sri Lanka at the time of the New Year, and I took a four and a half-hour car ride to get from the South of the country to the North! That was a real adventure. At that time, I wasn’t even aware of the area where the retreat was going to be. So I didn’t even know that it was that far from the area where I stayed at a hotel for a few nights before the retreat.

The reason I chose to share this story is to tell you that you don’t need to overthink things or have a definite plan. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is take a leap of faith and completely step outside of your comfort zone.

Trusting that things will eventually work out is part of being a nomad traveller.

Making Bold Moves and Manifestation

Although I did make a couple of solo trips in the past few years, I still don’t consider myself a nomad.

A digital nomad or remote worker is someone who spends a couple of months at a specific country working on their own business or a project. And so far, I didn’t do that.

The exciting part about making a bold move like this is that it can speed up your manifestation process.

When you open yourself up for new possibilities and adventures, you can manifest your desires much faster.

Just think of all the new people you can meet at different events or co-working spaces, the fun and exciting experiences and the ways you will expand and grow.

Making a bold move doesn’t have to involve moving to a new country (although that’s the ideal scenario), it can mean different things for different people.

This can mean exploring new destinations, making more trips in one year or even traveling locally to places that you’ve never been to before.

Sometimes, we grow up with a certain mindset because that’s how we were conditioned by our caregivers and not because that’s who were are in essence.

We live our lives in one small box and then realize that this is not what matches our true and higher self.

The Universe Supports You

The Universe wants to bring amazing things our way; it wants to support us in creating our dream vision.

But we are co-creators in this manifestation process, and that’s where making a bold move comes into place.

My dad once jokingly told me that I’m like the iconic ‘Ibn Battuta’ and he was saying it sarcastically.

I now realize that what he thought of as a strange or maybe unstable trait is one of my core gifts and unique strengths.

Being nomadic is something to be proud of and embraced. It’s who I am in essence, and it took years of inner work to uncover this quality and to embrace it.

Don’t let other people’s opinions get in your way or impact your life decisions. Listen to your intuition and follow its guidance.

We only get one life, and this year is cancelled. So what next big move are you planning on making next? Let me know by commenting on this post.

I was trying to find the pictures from that Sri Lanka trip that I made but I couldn’t. 

Luckily, the pictures are still on my Instagram feed, and you can see them by going here.

Stay tuned for a new Wellness Wednesday blog post and subscribe to the blog if you still haven’t done so.

Talk to you then!

manifest faster

Make bold moves to manifest faster

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