Manifestation Mastery: Attract Everything. Chase Nothing

Happy Manifestation Monday!

I’ve been getting a lot of feedback from friends, and some of them are feeling down and bored these days.

Here’s the thing; you can’t manifest anything when you’re vibrating low or not feeling inspired.

I understand that not everyone knows how to bring awareness to their thoughts before they take them into a spiral of negative emotions.

Unfortunately, we are not taught these essential practices in school or at home.

I also know that most people don’t take time to meditate each day. And that’s another critical thing that we weren’t raised to do.

Luckily, mastering your thoughts so that they don’t take control of your life and learning how to meditate daily are both skills that can be practiced!

Since I’m launching my first online course this July or August, I would like to hear your thoughts on what topic you want me to cover.

The course is a FREE week-long training with daily mini videos and exercises. You will also have access to my private Facebook page, where you can ask questions and discuss topics with other group members.

The main two topics that I’m considering now are:

  1. How to master your emotions and feel good all the time.
  2. How to manifest a soul mate in 90 days.

Feel free to comment with your choice under this blog post.

I have to mention that feeling good all the time is not the ideal. It’s just a way for me to narrow down the topic.

In reality, you are encouraged to feel all your range of emotions. These include sadness, anger, pain, grief and even desperation.

What’s not healthy is to dwell in those negative emotions for a long time and to stay stuck in that state of being.

The way to master your emotions is to allow them to be when they come up. You feel them entirely so that you will naturally evolve into the next positive emotion.

I can explain this in the week-long training. For now, please vote for the topic that you would like me to cover.

LOA Manifestation mastery Tip: Attract Everything. Chase Nothing

Let me start by saying that I was making this mistake for years, if not decades! LOL

When looking to manifest a partner with the law of attraction, you want to attract that person and relationship. You are never chasing anything or anyone. That’s not what the law of attraction is about.

In the past, I would go out to bars and restaurants alone to try and meet men. I did that in the Gulf region. Yes, I’m brave.

In the U.S. or Europe, this is a normal thing, and it’s not a big deal.

In the Middle East, if you did this kind of behavior, you are considered a working girl. I know that for a fact because I was judged like that.

Let me tell you that it didn’t work, I didn’t meet anyone who wanted a relationship by doing this and it’s not the way things work with the law of attraction.

The law of attraction is all about taking inspired action. To understand what inspired action means, read this blog post.

What Well-meaning Friends will Advise you to do

I’ve had random people who I met in public places and well-meaning friends suggest that I go to busy and popular places to be seen and meet new people.

A lady who I met in my recent Bali trip advised me to go to big chain hotel bars to meet men. This is mainly because she met her husband while working at a big chain hotel.

I explained to her how most people who go to these kinds of places are pretentious, and I want to avoid meeting pretentious people.

My soul essence is all about being raw, authentic, hippie, hipster and the complete opposite of mainstream culture.

I shared this woman’s words with my friend Vanessa who has been living in Bali all her life. And Vanessa replied with: “hotel bars in Bali are empty.”

To prove what Vanessa said, I unintentionally visited a chain hotel’s bar one evening when I was in Seminyak on the last two weeks of my two-month Bali stay.

I found out about the bar from Instagram, and it looked like a cool, unique place. So I decided to check it out.

To my luck, there was a live band that night, and it was their last performance because the bar wasn’t getting many visitors.

So I managed to have a fantastic time that night. But it wasn’t because I met some cool guy who was interested in a relationship! It was because the band that was playing that night was a wedding band and they were playing all my favorite love ballads all night!

This is what inspired action and the law of attraction means.

Attract Energy By Being That Energy

It’s all about energy. You follow your intuition – in my case, it was to check out that bar – and you celebrate the messages from the Universe. LOA is about energy. You attract energy by being that energy. You can’t force this by choosing to attract matter with matter. It doesn’t work! Trust me, I tried!

Manifesting using the law of attraction might take longer than you would like it to, but it’s so exciting and fun!

When you do thing following the LOA way, you will be continuously surprised at the messages that the Universe sends your way to remind you that your desire is coming!

But you have to believe in the magic of the law of attraction, and you have to surrender and trust.

What’s interesting about this story is how I didn’t plan on spending an entire evening at a Seminyak chain hotel’s bar.

It just happened because I saw that the place served organic food and wine. As I was intrigued, I decided to check it out.

I had a magical time singing along to my favorite love ballads and classics. But I also proved a point.

I proved to everyone who thinks that you have to seek outside of you that it’s not the way to go if you want to manifest with the law of attraction.

Yes, I had a lovely time. But it’s because I connected with my higher self and the Universe when I was aligned with my desire and vibrating so high while listening to all those beautiful love songs.

Focus Your Energy Inwards

I hope that my personal story inspires you to do things differently when looking for a partner.

Instead of looking for someone in the physical reality and seeking outside of yourself, focus your energy inwards and connect with your higher self and intuition. They already know what’s best for you and will help you manifest it almost magically!

And to make my point even more precise, I want to report that yes, the hotel bar that I visited was indeed empty!

There were two tables with couples and me in a massive space for the entire night!

A lady came in alone for a short time, and then she left. Alone too!

And to make another point clear: when I decided to check out that bar, it wasn’t because I was hoping to meet anyone as I was doing in the past and like my old self, I genuinely wanted to check it out because they served organic food and wine. I wanted to go out while in Seminyak and to act as if I had a partner – that’s another manifestation tool for another blog post.

Looking for what you want outside of yourself is truly an outdated and WRONG way to manifest!

Look within, and you will be surprised at all the magic that you encounter.

Do you want me to share more personal stories like this one?

Do you like the writing style of this blog post (sharing a personal story and how I evolved) or do you prefer a how-to guide instead?

Free Online LOA Course/mini-training

Let me know in the comments of your choice for the upcoming FREE online course/mini-training.

I’m so excited about this as it will be my first one, and it will be on my Soul Collective website.

Don’t forget to subscribe to the Soul Collective newsletter if you still haven’t done so.

When you subscribe, you will get a FREE guide on how to attract synchronicity and manifest faster. It’s a guide that I wrote based on what I do to attract synchronicity for manifesting a life partner.

Until then, feel free to comment with any questions or suggestions!

Manifestation Mastery

Manifestation Mastery LOA golden rule – Attract Everything, Chase Nothing

Share Some Love


  • Theresa says:

    I wanted to thank you for this good read!! I certainly enjoyed every bit of it.
    I have got you book-marked to check out new stuff you post?

  • Lisa Place says:

    Interesting thank you ?

  • Diane M Fletcher says:

    Hi! I loved reading your blog post. It made me want to share that the other weekend I was alone and driving to a lake. I sat on the grass in the shade because it was quite hot. Before I got there, I was at first lamenting that I was not in NYC at the Blue Note Club or at a cool hip hop bar, but instead in SW Oregon way out in the country. I said “No, wherever I am, I am at peace/home”. At the beach there were these young 20 somethings that looked very preppy. They had on my favorite throwback hip hop songs and played my fave music all day long nonstop! I thanked Mother Earth and Father Sky and knew it was because I had stated my preference, but I was content in the moment! It paid off! Also when you chase, it is like a magnet flipped, as opposed to when you attract – I just read that today! 🙂

    • Saudi Diva says:

      I’m glad to hear that you followed your intuition and chose to stay centered and grounded. Trusting the process always pays off in the end! I’m also happy to hear that my blog post resonated with you and sending powerful manifestation vibes your way!

  • Rob says:

    Admiring the time and eneгgy you put іnto your site and detaiⅼed іnformation you offer. It’s great to come acrosѕ a blog every once in a while that isn’t the same ⲟut of date rehashed information. Wonderful reɑd!

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