Law of Attraction Coaching Success Story: Aldana’s Dream Job!

I was catching up with my friend Aldana while she was in town for a week and I was really happy to hear her latest updates!

You can read her Soul Collective success story here.

Law of Attraction Coaching

Aldana and I did in-person coaching sessions over a couple of months back in 2019.

As a certified NLP coach, I used NLP timeline tools to help her release some unprocessed negative emotions and other limiting beliefs.

Once that was done, we used a combination of spirituality and law of attraction principles to help her manifest her dream job.

As an empath, Aldana is naturally intuitive. She is great at following the signs and messages from her spirit guides and the Universe.

Another area we focused on during our sessions was helping her feel more confident and open in social settings.

When she moved back to her hometown, she reconnected with old school friends. This immediately manifested a tight social support network and circle of genuine friends.

How did Aldana Manifest her Dream Job? The Timeline

Let me share with you how the story unfolded.

August 2019

Aldana scripted her dream job and how she wants to feel in that environment with my support in our coaching sessions.

We also covered other areas of her life like hobbies, activities and how she can meet new, like-minded people.

All of the coaching was done in-person except for one online session at the end of the coaching and after she moved back to her hometown.

Sometime in December, Aldana met with an old friend whose partner owns a video production company in a cool neighborhood in downtown Almaty.

What Aldana did differently after our coaching was feel confident enough to go up to her old friend and start chatting with her.

The old Aldana – before our coaching – would overthink this decision. This meant she would stay in her comfort zone to avoid the possibility of rejection or nothing happening.

Because we worked on releasing her limiting beliefs and blocks, she felt confident to speak to her friend. This led to an interview and two weeks later, her dream job!

Taking Inspired Action and Following Intuition

Aldana shared something important with me. She said that when she went up to her friend that day, she was sitting at a cafe doing some freelance work.

So she was not attached to the role that her friend helped her get. She was simply taking inspired action and following her intuition to catch up with her friend.

Letting go of control and attachment to the outcome when manifesting is so important.

Aldana was already keeping busy with some freelance projects and was feeling confident about herself and about her skills.

It took her about five months to manifest her dream job with the help of Soul Collective coaching.

And because she was crystal clear about her dream job, everything that she scripted and spoke about in our sessions became a reality!

She now has a creative role that matches her skills and career goals. She works at an office that’s in a hipster neighborhood.

There are countless independent and cool cafes and restaurants around her office where she gets to meet like-minded souls.

Plus, she’s now part of a creative community in downtown Almaty!

When we were catching up in Dubai, Aldana shared with me how surreal it feels to have her dream job!

She says that she thinks about it every time she leaves the office and feels grateful for her magical manifestation!

If you have any questions about Soul Collective coaching or would like to book a coaching package for June, get in touch!

I offer both online and in-person Law of Attraction coaching.


Law of attraction success story

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