I was contemplating going for a morning walk and coffee yesterday. And when I say contemplating, I really mean it.
I was going back and forth with the decision because I had a lot of work and pending house chores to get done.
The simple decision of going for a morning walk became a real dilemma for me.
Then it hit me. I realized that my conditioned self was fighting with my true self. And thankfully, my true self won.
I was conditioned to always prioritize career and not give much attention to staying active and sporty.
My true self – which I worked hard to uncover with a lot of wellness workshops and retreats – is active and playful.
My intuition told me to go for a nice walk and coffee, especially that the weather in the UAE is now perfect for this.
In the end, I thought to myself that I can always get the work and other things done later in the day.
And I finally went out for my walk and actually managed to post to my Instagram story while I was out.
Law of Attraction 101: How it Works
What’s interesting about LOA and how it works is that you manifest what you’re an energetic match to. Not what you want.
So if you want to manifest a partner who’s active, fit and has a toned body. You want to look at yourself to see if you have these qualities in you as well.
Because you can only attract what you’re a match to, it’s important to reverse engineer your soulmate wish list.
What this means is to look at each trait and quality that you want to manifest and see if you already possess it yourself.
I’ll be writing a blog post on how to script your soulmate wish list. Until then, you can have a look at this blog post where I share the most important tips to follow when scripting your soulmate vision.
If you want to attract someone who’s loving, kind and respectful. Then look at how you connect and relate to others and yourself. Are you loving, kind and respectful in your connection with yourself and others?
Once you identify what needs shifting, you can choose to do the inner work or hire a coach to support you in this fun and exciting journey.
What I was doing Wrong
Let me share with you a simple example from my life of how this LOA concept works.
One of my main soulmate traits is that I want someone who is life smart and wise.
Although it’s a quality that I possess, in the recent months I wasn’t really reflecting it.
Because of the pandemic and the lockdown life, I was spending most of my time holed up in my Dubai apartment.
I only started to go out and do things in the past month or so. Before that, I was really staying in for most of the time.
When I went outside for my morning walk yesterday, I had a major aha moment!
I could see how much of ‘life’ I was missing out on. When I was walking around and seeing people jogging or walking in the area, I realized that I wasn’t part of ‘life’ and that I was hiding from it for the past couple of months.
My partner – who I manifested energetically – is outgoing, sociable, active, life-smart and fit.
He’s not staying in his apartment hiding from any widespread flu or anything else for that matter.
As a secure, strong and confident man, he’s living a healthy and normal life.
He’s not living out of fear (and neither was I, I was just protecting my energy). He lives from a place of trust and love.
How you can Shift your Vibration
By doing something as simple as going for a walk, I managed to shift my vibration to match that of my desire.
I could really feel the vibration shift after my walk. I felt really good and excited to take on the tasks that I had for the rest of the day.
Who would have thought that something as simple as being active, moving my body and being out and about would make such a positive vibrational shift?
All you need to do now is to write your soulmate wish list (if you still don’t have one), then reverse engineer the manifestation process.
Look at each quality that you have on your list and check if you already live it. If not, take actionable steps to shift it.
By doing this, you are getting closer to matching your energy to that of your soulmate.
Remember that manifestation is a long-term process of shifting your identity and growing into the version of you that already has everything that you desire.
Start creating your dream life now. Subscribe to the Soul Collective newsletter and get a free guide on how to attract synchronicity and manifest with ease.
And subscribe to Saudi Diva blog for weekly law of attraction and wellness tips and stories.

Law of Attraction 101: You attract who you are with the law of attraction