How to Make More Aligned Decisions

In a previous blog post, I shared a decision-making tip for those still working on re-activating their intuition.

At the end of the post, I promised to share another helpful tip that doesn’t require a strong or developed intuition.

Do you find yourself in negative or bad situations that you have no idea why you manifested? The situation feels so misaligned, and you feel frustrated because you keep attracting these dire situations. And you don’t know why.

Well, like I always say, we don’t necessarily make the best choices because we’re all conditioned to use our minds and brains in making decisions.

Instead of relying on your brain power, thinking abilities or analytical mind, try to notice the signs and clues.

Simple Decision-Making Tip

When something appears more than once, it’s usually the Universe trying to communicate a message to us.

This communication happens through conversations with others, visual signs, podcast shows, articles or even strangers on Facebook!

The Universe delivers when you’re open to receiving guidance and spiritual messages in any way.

I’ve had powerful messages about moving countries for the past year. These messages showed me in conversations with people while travelling, storefront logos and international relocation trucks in Dubai and abroad.

While this is a clear and unmistakable message, sometimes the clues are subtle.

Make More Aligned Decisions

Let me share another example. I would listen to podcast episodes, and suddenly everyone is talking about how dating is a numbers game. And that you have to stay resilient in the face of rejection. I also had someone who I coached share with me the same concept. She was talking about her sister who recently got married and that her advice was that dating is all about numbers. That you have to keep dating until you meet your person.

Now that I shared with you two examples of how decision-making is done, do you notice any signs or clues?

What direction are you being called to go? And what decisions are you taking next?


Make More Aligned Decisions

Make More Aligned Decisions: Messages from the Universe

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