Wow! What an amazing and powerful eclipse season. I don’t follow astrology closely but there was a major shift for me recently and I think it was at the time of the eclipse.
I realized that in my friendships, I was giving more than I was receiving. I could see clearly how I was always making an effort to keep in touch, meet or connect. But this has finally come to an end.
In my latest blog post, I talk about how I released my ‘giver’ self or identity. You can read that story here.
Since setting the intention to stop giving and to practice receiving, I’ve had wonderful things happen.
Each day, I notice myself being open to receiving through small, daily life encounters. I love the new energy and I feel great!
I basically will not reach out to friends or continue giving. I will simply be in my own zone and even if we meet, it won’t be that frequent since I won’t be putting in that extra effort. Life is beautiful this way!
Feeling grateful for these major breakthroughs and up-levels. Let all that old energy go and never return!
Aphantasia – Do you Have it?
So I recently discovered that I can’t visualize things in my mind. LOL
Yes, after all these years of using the law of attraction and practicing visualization, I realized that I have what’s called Aphantasia.
Aphantasia is a condition that describes someone who is not able to picture things in their mind.
As a simple test, close your eyes and picture a red apple. Can you see it? How clearly can you see it?
For me, I can’t see anything. I just see pitch black. Of course, I know what a red apple looks like. But when I try to visualize, nothing shows up. I just retain the information or the visual but I can’t really picture it when I need to.
A new friend shared with me the term and I realized that I also have this condition that affects only 3.9% of people!
How to Manifest When you have Aphantasia
I didn’t panic when I did the test. I think I already knew that something was wrong because I always struggled with visualization during meditation. So I think it actually feels more like a relief now that I know about this condition!
This means that I don’t have to force myself to try and visualize my dream life with my person anymore! Yay!
Instead, I can focus on feelings and more importantly on simply being the person who already has their dream life.
So if you also struggle with visualization, don’t panic or worry.
When using manifestation tools or methods, you can choose to journal, tune into the feelings and emotions of being with your person.
In other words, just live your best life now and feel good as if you already have your dream person.
I know, this sounds easier said than done. But guess what, once you do all the inner work that helps you feel good in your own skin and content about your life, you will naturally be in that magnetic energy.
You probably heard the same words from all the manifestation coaches out there.
I’m here to say that it’s true but to also give you a tool to help you get to that place of feeling good and content about yourself and your life.
My ebook titled: ‘The Insecure Girl’s Guide to Manifesting True Love’ is now available for an introductory price of $9.99 USD. The book is a self-help memoir about how I shifted my self-worth and did the inner work that’s a pre-requisite to attracting a healthy and loving relationship.
The ebook is a combination of practical tips that you can follow and personal stories to help you understand the concepts in each chapter.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the book. Get it here for an introductory offer of $9.99 USD!
Leaving you with some pictures from my week in Hua Hin, Thailand where the Universe was reminding me to trust the manifestation process.