Happy Wellness Wednesday!
With the Full Moon energy in full swing, I was honestly finding it challenging to start writing today’s post.
It’s mainly because I feel that my energy is all over the place and I can’t seem to focus!
I was also trying to read some news articles (for the first time since this pandemic started) – I mean going to a specific newspaper’s Twitter account and reviewing some headlines.
But I couldn’t open any of these article links. I suspect it could be because a lot of people are trying to access the news.
I’ve been spending a lot of time ordering food and other supplies online since Sunday.
I have mixed emotions about online shopping. On one hand, I feel blessed that I can stay at home and get all my food and other supplies delivered to my doorstep and on the other, I was disappointed with yesterday’s online order delivery.
Apart from the fact that it took two hours and ten minutes to get my groceries from a store in the building right across the street from mine, the staff replaced most brands with others and upsized some products without my permission.
I basically decided that I won’t be ordering from that specific store again. They were dishonest and it made me really annoyed and agitated for a good amount of time.
I’m expecting a fruit and vegetable delivery anytime today, so I’ll be sharing everything on my Twitter page.
These days are powerful times for all of us to be facing fears and our shadows.
What this means is that when you take time to feel your emotions – instead of distracting yourself from them – you can release a lot of fears and shadows that you may still be holding onto.
I’ve been having a recurring thought since the pandemic started that goes like this: “Even in these trying times, I’m alone.”
This thought reflects a fear of loneliness and is something that someone with a victim mindset would say.
So instead of just immediately pushing it away. I acknowledge it and I give myself space to feel the emotion behind it.
So if it’s feelings of loneliness, hopelessness and despair, then I should allow myself to feel these emotions to their full range so that I can move past them.
Whatever emotions are coming up for you these days, I encourage you to feel them to their fullest extent and don’t suppress them.
This is the only way to release these hidden fears and to step into our higher self and grow spiritually.
I’ll keep today’s post short because the Full Moon in Libra energy is still in the air.
So it’s a good time to meditate, reflect, do less and take care of yourself and body.
This Pink Supermoon is also related to relationships.
And if you’re single, then it’s an opportunity to explore ways in which you can make yourself happy and content.
I’m going to update you with my online grocery shopping news and how that goes.
I’ll also post a picture of the homemade mask that I plan to make this afternoon on all my social media pages.
Stay tuned for that and happy online shopping!

Full Moons and Facing Fears and Shadows