This morning, I went out for a short walk/coffee and grocery shopping.
I was surprised at a series of strange incidents as soon as I stepped out of my place. The reason that I was taken back by these encounters is that we’re no longer in the full moon energy.
After I had my coffee, got some groceries and headed back home, I realized why this was happening.
On Monday, I went to Dubai Mall to get my MacBook checked and have a nice lunch. And although I stayed at home all of yesterday, my energy field was still messed up after my trip to the mall!
Be Mindful of Who Your Surround Yourself With
As an empath, I have to be very mindful of where I go and who I surround myself with at all times.
It’s so easy for me to pick up negative entities and energies around me. I actually just remembered that I need to sage smudge tomorrow.
About six or seven years ago, someone told me: “Find a cafe where you feel comfortable and the Barista knows your drink.”
Well, I even wrote about this concept many times on both blogs. Here’s one blog post about this.
Today, I wanted to add to this life hack and explain to you what I discovered by practicing it.
First, it’s obviously a good way to tune into your true self by finding a favorite cafe, where the Barista remembers your drink.
Even though my favorite coffee changes as I evolve and with the season. This tip is actually so important for feeling good and creating a sense of familiarity and connection.
My story with this is a long one. I was going to a certain Costa Coffee store in Dubai, where the Barista made me a great ‘magic’.
I used to go for a walk in that neighborhood and then have my cup of ‘magic’ coffee.
In those weeks, that Barista was being rotated at different stores and I couldn’t follow him because I really had no idea where he was.
Fast forward to about a month or so ago, I cross paths with that Barista at a store in the area close to my neighborhood.
I also discover that he has been assigned to that store since one year! And I just happened to find out by randomly choosing to visit that store one day.
Ever since I discovered that he’s now permanently brewing excellent coffee at that store, I’ve been going there at least one a week for my medium flat white.
What I Discovered
It’s not only about going to a cafe where the Barista knows your favorite drink. It’s so much more than that.
First, the Barista is from Nepal and I believe that he’s Hindu. Because I’m spiritual, I connect with others who are also like that. The Balinese are Hindu and Bali is my favorite place on earth.
So the energy that goes into making my cup of coffee matters so much.
Whenever I visit, he makes me feel safe and comfortable. He always asks how I am and it feels very genuine.
I also saw his girlfriend who was visiting town at the store lately. I ask him about how her job search is going.
The connection feels so natural and genuine. He makes me feel taken care of and all I do is order my usual cup of flat white coffee.
Another major element of my trip to this specific chain coffee store is the fact that I can soften and feel safe when I’m there.
If you grew up in a toxic home or experienced any type of abuse, you know how challenging it can be for people like us to feel safe and to live out of survival mode.
Well, this simple trip to the cafe with the warm and friendly Barista is doing wonders for my energy body over time.
All I want to do is feel like I can relax and soften and that’s exactly what I get by going there.
I hope you got something out of today’s life hack story and I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Life Hack: Living out of survival mode