Happy Wednesday!
It’s my 40th birthday today! Woohoo!
If you’re wondering how I’m celebrating, I ordered myself a vegan brownie and an iced cappuccino this morning.
I had the iced coffee, and I’ll be having the brownie later this evening when I celebrate on my own.
I’ll be posting about this celebration and how I feel in a post on my Facebook page. So make sure to follow me there.
I had a significant realization this morning when I woke up. It’s a thought that never crossed my mind in the past!
I realized that because I didn’t have many life experiences and didn’t date at all in my twenties, it’s normal for me to be single at 40!
What most people do is have their dating and relationship experiences in their twenties and then maybe commit to someone in their early or mid-thirties.
But since everyone’s life path is different, there’s no way that we can compare ourselves to anyone!
Life Coaching Tip
Can you believe that I never really thought of my relationship status in this way?
The truth is that we are always exactly where we are meant to be. So live in the present moment and trust that everything you desire is on its way to you.
While the manifestation work is focused on a future reality, we have to live in the present moment when we’re not visualizing or scripting our future vision.
This is the secret of speeding up the manifestation process!
I’m super excited to share more tips with you in an upcoming online course on my Soul Collective website.
So please feel free to share topic suggestions for the online course in the comments on this post.
You can also have a look at my life coaching page to get an idea of my niche and what I can help you with!
And don’t forget to subscribe to the blog and stay tuned for an exciting new post tomorrow!
I am looking forward to hearing your ideas for upcoming course topics! Please post them in the comment section!

Life coaching tip: Trust that you are where you are meant to be
Happy Belated Birthday 🙂 It is a great achievement. You asked about topics for the online course. I would like to learn about how to use a manifestation technique to stay confident at all times. It seems you make it look very easy .
Thank you for the belated birthday wishes and for taking the time to suggest an online course topic. Manifestation becomes so easy when you follow the right steps and are tuned into your intuition. I will definitely include your idea in the course. In the meantime, check out my other site and subscribe to the newsletter to get a free guide on how to attract synchronicity – which helps you in trusting the process and feeling confident about it. The link is: https://www.soulcollectivecoaching.com