Life Update
My dad is visiting town for a few days this week. And being a business-minded person and businessman, all he asks me about is how my own business is going.
To make things clear, I don’t really own a business. I cancelled the license for the only business that I tried running and that was the life coaching business. I basically didn’t know how to market the business and all my attempts to do that failed.
I also realized that I’m not cut out to be a business woman. I like to call myself a solopreneur.
So now I aim to make enough sales from my first ebook so that I can continue writing more books.
Since I invested a lot of time and money into this ebook, I have to first learn how to promote it and makes sales before writing another one. I know that it’s worth buying because I’m confident in my content writing skills and I hired a great book coach/editor too.
In one of the ebook chapters, I share about how my father always made me feel like I’m not good enough. And to give you an update; nothing has changed.
Even in this trip, he kept discussing the ebook marketing topic and saying things that could easily make me feel like I’m a failure and that I’m not good enough.
What Changed?
Thanks to about a decade of deep inner work and group healing workshops, I reached a high level of self-assurance and confidence that I now don’t allow his words or opinions to bother me or impact me in a negative way.
I also shared with him examples of other authors (who I saw their posts on X) who are also struggling with marketing their books. And that this is a natural part of monetizing the ebook and part of the learning curve.
So now instead of feeling down or unworthy, I simply see his words as a projection of his own insecurities and limiting beliefs. I’m also able to separate what he says and projects onto me from how he makes me feel about myself.
I can tell you that the process of getting to this level of feeling secure and confident took a really long time and it wasn’t easy.
The good news is that my ebook is written to help you get to this stage without all the crazy loops that I had to go through. The book is a self-help guide with a memoir narrative and it’s inspired by my personal healing journey.
If you want to find out how I managed to get to this beautiful, confident state of being, get my ebook for only $9.99 USD from this page.
And to end this post with a really positive note, after weeks of testing an ebook marketing strategy on X, I came across an account for scaling businesses that feels so aligned with my lifestyle and vision.
I’ll be looking into this blueprint once my dad leaves and I’ll try implementing some of the strategies to see the results they bring.
I’m excited because the founder even hosts strategy workshops in Bali and he’s following the four-hour per day work week model.
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