Endings are good. They make way for new beginnings!
No I wasn’t abducted by aliens and surprisingly I still didn’t jump off the balcony of my high-rise JLT building. I was just consumed with my editorial internship and long office hours that I simply couldn’t make time to blog. Once Ramadan started, things got pretty hectic. It wasn’t easy doing six hours while fasting. Neither was trying to stay as late as I could to eat Suhoor before going to bed. Those were extremely challenging days.
Ending my Internship
As a result, I decided to end the internship a little bit earlier than planned and I’m glad that I did. Anyway, I had already completed a total unpaid internship period of around six months, a new record for my books. I wanted to challenge myself to see if I could complete a whole year of interning in Dubai. Basically, I wanted to give it my all and then move to another chapter. Because since moving to Dubai in April of 2010, I’ve completed a total of four internships. Taking place over different periods of time, when combined, these unpaid work placements amount to a total of one year. That’s the record that I wanted to see if I could reach. And I did.
I won’t dedicate more of this post to talking about my latest editorial internship and how I felt while working at Dubai’s biggest publishing house, because I would need a separate post for that.
My Psychic Reading in Dubai
Instead, I’m going to share with you my experience: an amazing psychic reading in Dubai. The last time I visited a palm reader or fortune teller was in the winter of 2012 in a temple in Hong Kong. The woman told me that I won’t find happiness until I’m 40 years old. It’s a good thing that I’m getting closer to that date now 🙂
My visit to Fiona came at a perfect time in my life; I had just ended my third editorial internship which didn’t lead to a full-time or part-time role, I was tired of trying to make it in the publishing industry with no success, I’m turning 36 in less than a month and I’m single. I was ready to learn everything during this psychic reading in Dubai.
Fiona was so good that she could tell me tons of accurate things about myself, my family and my past life. In the beginning of the session, she told me that my Chakras are closed, so is my heart. I guess this made it difficult for her to read me. But after a few minutes from sitting in her room, she was able to tell me everything, from past to present to future.
Fiona assured me that I won’t be alone. She even told me specific details about the man, what he does and the number of siblings that he has. Also, she advised me to stop looking for him, as that will only block him from appearing in my life and the Universe uniting us together.
An Emotionally Challenging Year
She also said how the year 2016 was an emotionally challenging time for most people. But that 2017 will be a better year for everyone.
Now I don’t think I need to share with you everything that she said, but the highlight of the reading was a statement that she asked me to write in my notebook. That statement in my opinion sums up my life’s purpose and mission. Here it goes:
“Through me, many more Arab/Muslim women will come forward and tell their stories.”
She continued to say how I will inspire these women to use their passion and follow their dreams to rise from suppression.
She could see fame while she read for me. I replied by saying that my blog is called Saudi Diva 🙂
I think I will end the post on this positive note from the lovely Fiona Day at Illuminations Center in JLT. If you’re unsure about your next move, are at a cross-road in your life, or simply need some direction and guidance for your next move, then I highly suggest that you give Fiona a visit. She will save you a lot of time, effort and heartache by revealing your destiny and what’s in store for you in the near and far future.
She’s quite busy and I had booked my private reading session with her in April! as she travels frequently and I was interning so I was available on weekends only. She charges AED 700 per hour (it’s a one-hour session) and accepts full payments in cash only.
Honestly, I don’t know her personally and I’m not trying to promote her. A friend had recommended her to me and I was really happy with my psychic reading in Dubai. She can truly tell you everything.
Congratulations on completing such a long internship Nada. I do have mixed feelings about these internships. On the one hand you gain invaluable experience while on the other hand I have feelings that interns are being exploited as free and highly talented human resource. On balance as I said when you started your internship, I think you were right to accept it. I wish you well now in achieving a fulfilling and rewarding career where they pay you what you deserve!
The psychic reading sounds really interesting and intriguing. I hope you are going to share more!
Good luck and thank you for sharing.
Thanks for the comment Kevin. I completely agree with your view about the internship. We can discuss more at a later time.
As for the psychic, I will write you an email with some more details. Speak soon!
Hi Iqbal,
I’ve actually decided to stop the cultural posts, since I plan to write a book that will cover all of these topics. Stay tuned.
Hello Nada, first time here in your blog:). Can you please tell me where to find Fiona? As am traveling to Dubai end of this week.
Hi Laki, Welcome to my blog! I had a reading with Fiona at Illuminations Wellbeing Center in JLT. I’m not aware if she’s still there. Enjoy your reading and keep me posted with how it goes!